Chapter 9 - Stalker?

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Disclaimer! I do not own Prince of Tennis, Kuroko no Basket, or any of the images and music I use! I only own my OCs.

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"Speaking Japanese"

"Speaking English"


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Chapter 9 - Stalker

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3rd Person POV

A few weeks had passed since Ryoma's arrival. The others felt complete ever since Ryoma came back.

The past few weeks went well for Ryoma, except for one thing...

Ryoma had been experiencing weird shivers and having the feeling as if someone was staring at him once awhile at practice and after practice.

He was pretty sure that it couldn't have been anyone from the team, since he'd probably know if one of them were staring at him.

He'd sometimes suddenly get the feeling of someone staring at his back in the middle of afternoon practices.

He would usually get the shivers and turn around to see who was *coughstalkingcough* looking at him.

He'd prefer avoiding the trouble of having a potential stalker.

Ryoma's weird behavior didn't get unnoticed by the others.

Well, how could they not when it looked like he was getting a seizure every afternoon practice.

You could at least say that they were worried and concerned for their youngest.

They were all finished with classes for the day and now had afternoon practice.

The atmosphere was oddly awkward and silent as they all took short glances at Ryoma to see if he was getting his daily shivers.

It wasn't long before Ryoma, finally, shivered and hastily looked around as calmly as possible, getting annoyed at this "stalker" that hasn't let him be the past few days.

Tezuka decided to take the initiative and went to ask Ryoma about the weird behavior he had these past few days.

"Echizen," Tezuka said sternly, but the hint of worry and concern for the boy was visible to those who paid attention.

"H-Hai, buchou?" Ryoma mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"I've noticed that you've been acting bothered by something lately." Tezuka said, wasting no time at getting straight to the point.

Unraveling the Secrets of Echizen Ryoma (Prince of Tennis x Kuroko no Basket)Where stories live. Discover now