The Flight

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A/N: If I bold something, it just means it is an author's note, I did that so I wouldn't have to interrupt your reading with author notes.

May helped them pack, making sure not to forget anything. They each had toothpaste/brushes, other toiletries, swim trucks, sunblock, & anything else they would need in Hawaii. 

Peter grabbed his money he's been getting from his part-time job from spring. He made sure they had their phones, chargers, laptops (for Netflix), & any other electronics they would need. 

Mj helped pack two weeks worth of clothing for both of them. Including pajamas, underwear, & other bedroom needs ;). 


The two days went by quickly & before either of them knew Peter's alarm went off at 5 AM. They had to be on the plane by 6:30 AM. 

They ate breakfast, made sure everything was packed, & left. 

They had to take May, someone had to take Peter's car home after they left. 

Peter drove to the airport, with May in passenger, & Mj sleeping in the back. 

Peter pulled into a parking spot, he & Mj got out of the car. 

"Have fun", May said from the driver's seat. They nodded. "Love you guys". 

"Love you too May", Peter said as they started to walk into the airport. 

They found everyone at the little cafe in the airport. It was 6:20 & had a few minutes to spare before they had to go. 

"Oh my God, Mj, Peter", Liz said as she stood up & ran over to them. Hugging each of them before leading them back to the cafe. 

"Hey guys", Mj said taking the seat next to Cidny & Peter took the seat next to her. 

"Started to get worried there, thought you didn't wake up in time", Harley joked. 

"Yeah well someone didn’t want to leave until 6 O'clock", Mj said as she grabbed Peter's hand. 

"Really", Peter asked? "Because I remember someone didn’t want to be there too early". 

Peter placed his other hand on Mj's. 

"I know you guys just got here, but we all should probably get going", Betty said. 

They all grabbed their luggage & made their way to their plane. 

They all got coach seats. 

Peter sat next to Mj, Ned & Betty sat together, Miles & Cidny, Harley & Liz, & Flash got sat next to some old guy. 

They boarded their flight, & it was miserable once they took off, from Miles' ADHD, Liz's irrational fear of heights, & someone always had to pee every 10 minutes.

The flight was about 10 hours long & when they finally landed it was 4 PM. 

Finally they were off of that plane. 

Mj & Liz basically ran off of the plane, then a few minutes after they ran off the plane everyone else got off. 

Peter, Harley, & Betty could already feel the sunburns growing on the back of their necks. 

"So where are we all staying", Ned asked? 

"I rented out five bungalows", Harley said, the group looked at him funny. "They're like small houses over the water", Harley explained to them, they started to have an idea of what it was. 

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