The Last Day

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Mj woke up at the last sunrise of their vacation. She restlessly made her way out of bed, where Peter had appeared to be missing from. 

She walked out to the patio, catching Peter starring off into the yellow & orange glaze of the rising sun on the water & horizon. 

“What are you doing up”, Mj asked as her arms dangle loosely around Peter from behind. 

“I wasn’t going to miss this”, Peter said, turning his head to gaze back at her from the corner of his eye, a small smile broke on his face. The sunglasses he wore protected his eyes from the bright morning sun. “I would have woken you, but you seemed so peaceful & I didn’t want to disturb that”. 

“It’s okay”, Mj said as they both now watched the sunrise on the Hawaiian horizon. 

But once the sun was fully above the horizon Mj offered, “Do you want to go back to bed, it isn’t even 6 yet”? 

“Yeah”, Peter said as he turned around, taking off his sunglasses & following Mj inside & to bed. 

But their rest didn’t last long, Peter’s alarm warned him of the time, it was now 8 AM & they needed to get up & start packing their stuff. 

“Mj”, Peter shook her, trying to wake her up & get ready. “Mj, wake up”. 

She groaned & turned over. But he shook her again, finally waking her. 

“Come on, we have to get ready”, Peter said, he sat up & threw his legs over the bed. Getting up & walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth & take a shower. But once he was out, he realized Mj had not gotten up, but she was awake. 

Peter was still in the towel, but nothing else. 

Peter opened his mouth about to speak, but Mj cut him off first. 

“I’m getting up”, Mj said, sitting up on the bed. She got up walked to Peter. “I just can’t believe this is our last day here”. 

“Yeah, but we have to get ready so hurry”, Peter said. Mj scoffed & rolled her eyes. “Come on, give me a hug”, Peter said, a smirk pierced his face. 

“No, no, no, you’re still wet”, Mj begged, but it didn’t stop Peter from wrapping his arms around Mj & dampening her clothes. His face pressed against hers, moistening her cheek. “Was that necessary”, Mj asked after Peter let go. 

“Do you want another one”, Peter asked, a smile again piercing his face. 

“No, I’m good”, Mj quickly walked past Peter into the bathroom, shutting the door & jumping into the shower. 

Peter quickly dried himself & got dressed while Mj was in the shower, when she came out, she had a toothbrush in her mouth & a towel wrapped around her. 

She dug through her clothes looking, finding a shirt & shorts & heading back into the bathroom to get dressed & finish brushing her teeth. 

“Ok”, Mj said as she walked out of the bathroom dressed & without a toothbrush, her hair was set up in a towel. “Let’s get this over with”. 

Peter got up from his seat on the bed, walking over to the dresser & grabbing what clothes they had left, tossing them into the small blue suitcase, Mj started grabbing the chargers, laptop, & other things that they brought or got in Hawaii, also putting them in the blue suitcase. 

Peter & Mj both started sorting through the dirty clothes, forcing all of the clothes into the big dark red suitcase. There is no need to fold them if they are dirty anyway. 

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