Surfs up

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There was a banging on Peter & Mj's door, someone was trying to wake them up. Nobody answered the door & the banging continued & grew louder. 

Mj groaned as the constant banging continued. 

Peter was somehow still asleep. 

Mj grabbed one of her pillows & hit Peter with it, he groaned as well. 

"What", Peter asked, his voice muffled because he was face down into his pillow sleeping. 

"Go get the door", Mj said as she started snuggling into her last pillow. Peter rolled his eyes & lightly threw the pillow back at her as he got up to answer the door. 

Peter grabbed a pair of shorts before he answered the door & slipped them on. 

He opened the door, revealing Harley & Liz. 

Peter yawned before they started talking. 

"Come on, we got to go", Harley said. 

"Where are we... going", Peter asked as he yawned again. 

"We're going to the other side of the island, remember yesterday, you said you'd go surfing with Harley, Miles, & I", Liz said. 

“What about everybody else”, Peter asked? His eyelids starting to droop. 

“They’re most likely not coming”, Harley says. “So are you coming”?

"Yeah, but why are we leaving so early", Peter asked while leaning against the doorway, almost too tired to stand. 

"Because we have to get there before low tide comes in", Harley says. "Are you coming or not"? 

"Yeah we'll be ready soon", Peter says as he scratches his neck & starts to close the door. 

"We're leaving in 30 minutes", Harley said before Peter completely closed the door. 

Peter walked over to Mj’s side of the bed. 

“Hey Mj”, Peter shook her, but she didn’t respond. He shook her again & she did not move again. “Em”. 

Peter shook her more rapidly this time, finally getting a reaction from her. 

“WHAT? WHAT? I’m awake now, what do you need”, Mj asked as she blew up on Peter? 

“We told Harley & Liz that we’d go surfing with them, come on we got to start getting ready”, Peter says as he starts to drag Mj out of the bed. 

“No, Peter, I want to sleep”, Mj begged as Peter pulled her off the bed & onto the floor. 

“Sorry, you promised”, Peter said. He helped Mj up from the floor then started digging through their clothes for swimsuits. Peter threw Mj her yellow one-piece bikini, he grabbed his pair of red swimming trunks with the yellow Hawaiian flowers on them. 

“I’m too tired to get on a surfboard & almost die”, Mj exaggerated. She fell face-first onto their bed & tried to go back to sleep, but Peter didn’t let that happen. He started to drag her out of bed again. “I’M GETTING UP, I’M UP”!

“You don’t have to go surfing with us, all you got to do is go & hang out”, Peter tried to compromise. 

“But I just want to sleep”, Mj pouted, giving Peter a sad face to convince him to let her stay. 

“Sorry”, Peter said as he stood up & kissed her on her forehead. He walked over to the door. “Come on, before they leave without us”. 

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