Til They're the Last Ones Standing

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A/N: I'm so close to 100 followers, so please, everyone, go follow me BigNerdFan


Peter slowly got back to his room, longer than it should have & every time Ned told him to hurry up, Peter would complain & only walk slightly faster. 

When they arrived, Peter ad expected to see Mj & possibly get yelled at, or even gotten an apology. But she wasn’t there, which only made Peter think she was avoiding him or she had already gotten ready & was now helping everyone set up. 

Ned handed Peter the shirt he was going to wear. 

“Dude, don’t you think this is a little played out already”, Peter asked? He held up the Hawaiin shirt with the flowers on it. “I wore this at Harley’s grand party when we got here”. 

“Then at least just wear this”, Ned held up Peter’s shark tooth necklace, but in Ned’s hand was also the Shark tooth bracelet he gave to Mj. Peter was dismayed to see it off of her wrist, she surprisingly hadn’t taken it off since Peter gave it to her, & now it was here in the room where she must have left it. 

“You good Peter”, Ned asked? He noticed Peter troubled expression. 

“Yeah, I just want to get this night over with & enjoy the last day of my trip”, Peter said, now with a hurt tone in his voice & a disturbed look on his face. 

“Look, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to, everybody will understand”, Ned said, he placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder to show Peter comfort & acknowledgment. 

“No, I’ll be fine. Besides, from what Mj suggested, I think this is gonna be a really fun night”, Peter said. 

“Have you talked to her yet”, Ned asked, knowing it was a stupid question since he has been with Peter for the since a little after he ran out of their room. 

“No Ned, she’s hurting herself by doing this, I’m just going to let her deal with it tonight then I’ll try to help her all I can tomorrow”, Peter said. He removed the shirt he had on & put on a plain black t-shirt. 

“What about your plan”, Ned asked? 

“If she is willing to talk to me by tomorrow, then yeah, I’m still going to go through with it”, Peter said, turning to Ned to get the necklace that he insisted that Peter wear. 

“You ready”, Ned asked? Peter took a deep breath, in & out before answering. 

“As I’ll ever be”, Peter said. He & Ned walked out the door, seeing the crowd pile in already, even though there was almost 20 more minutes until the party started. 

The people were already drinking, but the DJ hasn’t arrived yet, so nobody was dancing yet. 

Peter noticed the stage, where he assumed people would go up to sing karaoke, there was a large flat-screen TV & the DJ booth was also up there. 

Ned patted Peter on the back as they started walking to the crowd, once the reached the crowd the disappeared into it. 


Mj was hanging with Cidny & Miles, dreading & waiting for the party. But as every minute lead her closer & closer she only dreaded it more. 

“You sure you want to do this”, Miles asked as he & Cidny walked up to her. 

“Yeah, I’m sure”, Mj said, she didn’t want to admit that she was wrong & that she didn’t want a huge & extravagant party. 

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