!chapter two!

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awsten was hovering over geoff when he finally woke up after about twenty minutes.

"di-did they do it.?"

"no, geoff, they didn't wanna fuckin' do it when you were knocked out like that," awsten mumbled.

"nonono," the brunette was quick to jump up and make a run for the door but was pulled back by his hood.

"let go, i have to get out of here," geoff groaned as he tried to pull away from awsten's tight grip.

"just sit down, it'll only be a single shot, you'll be fine."

geoff nodded hesitantly, slowly sitting back down.


geoff sat in the passengers seat, glaring at awsten yet again.

"do you need something?" awsten snickered but kept his eyes on the road. geoff was so numb that he couldn't talk properly and for some reason, that made awsten lose his shit.

geoff just shook his head in response and looked out the window. 

"dude, cmon, it was definitely not that  bad," the blue haired boy slowly pulled into the apartment building parking lot and parked.

"ih wah ..ad (it was bad)."

"have you never gotten a filling before?"

"no," geoff quickly got out of the car and went into the apartment building, trying to avoid awsten.

"hey, wait," the younger boy quickly caught up to geoff, "geoff?" the brunette quickly turned around to glare at him some more. "did i do something wrong?"

geoff only stared at him in response. awsten's positive mood slowly started to drop. "what did i do?"

"unloh the door (unlock the door)."

awsten slid in front of the door and shook his head, "what did i do?"

"unloh the door!" his face was reddening as he started to panic.

"what did i d-"

suddenly, there was clicking noise and the door opened, revealing a confused and tired otto.

"what's happening?" otto whispered, rubbing his eyes. it took awhile for him to remember where geoff and awsten had been but he did eventually, "how are you doing, geoff?" he asked, pointing at his mouth.

geoff gave a fake-ish smile and a thumbs up before walking into their apartment, leaving awsten behind again.

"wait! what did i do?" awsten sped into the room where geoff went and was starting to touch at his numb cheek.

"geoff.." geoff whipped out his phone and pointed at awstens pocket, wanting him to take his out. awsten did so and within thirty seconds, a text message from geoff was sent to awstens phone.

geoff : what are you afraid of


geoff : just tell me

"nothing, i'm afraid of nothing."

geoff : i don't believe that, there's gotta be something

"even if there was something, i wouldn't tell you," awsten huffed, blowing his 'bangs' out of his face.

"ow." awsten looked up when he noticed that geoff actually spoke that time.

"i don't trust you." geoff gasped a little at that, unsure of what to say. "and i know that sounds really mean but i- i can't. not after i've given you so much shit for not liking needles." the taller boy nodded understandingly while typing the next message he was gonna send to awsten.

geoff : it's not like i'm going to make fun of you for it. you know that, right?

awsten read the text over and over again, sighing heavily when he finally put his phone down. "i'm sorry, i just can't, okay?"

a/n : this chapter is short and ugly but like i wrote a lot of these beforehand and they were way shorter than the first chapter so i decided to rewrite some parts. i'll check for errors later. any who, thank you for reading , please share it with your friends and maybe possibly add it to your reading lists or whatever!! thank youuuu i love youuu

fear of fears // gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now