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Disclaimer (not really) — Sorry but Snape  and Dumbledore aren't dead in this story, as they are the CEOs of  the Drarry ship. They kinda got a relevant part in this. Tiddles! 👋

Draco's POV

I sauntered limply back in the Room of Requirement fairly happy that I at least have an idea of my mate looks like. But I'm most happy about his scent. It was just so sweet. Inside the ROR, I jogged back to my comfy seating area, eager to draw my recent sightings. I feel like drawing them might help. I really want find them.

By breakfast time, the headache from the inheritance had began to creep back in. I hadn't began to eat or even put food on my plate. I discreetly sniff the air hoping to smell something sweet and scan the Gryffindor table trying to find a guy who looked somewhat like my drawing. It wasn't until a large group of Gryffindors burst into the Great Hall when smelt the familiar scent of the sweet tart desert and wet grass on the Quidditch playing pitch. I swung my head go the side tempted to follow the scent. Standing up, Pansy asked me "Draco, what on earth are you doing?" My eyes following the crowd, I slowly sat back down trying track the scent to its owner.

"Nothing," I rested my head in my hands soon decided to get a bite to eat.


Throughout my day, when in crowded hallways or near groups of Gryffindors my mates smell is always faint in the air. I should be able to try and pin it to someone but it just isn't really working.

Potions was the last class of the day, but it was on an upper floor this year 'cause of the irreparable damage done during the battle. Snape - being himself - decided to do a new seating plan.

"We are all going to get new seats," cue students groaning, "You might not quite get along but trust me your dispute will blow over."  He looked at me heavily inferring who I'd be sitting next to. I shrugged. In my opinion, Harry isn't even bad – I was just a kind of stuck up douchebag Malfoy. When I thought of him, I began to sense my mate through his scent. Odd.

"I'm going to read outloud who you are to be sitting with throughout the school year," Snape said blankly, "Draco Malfoy with Harry Potter. Hermoine Granger and Pansy Parkinson. Blaise Zabini with Ron Weasley. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnagan..."and so on.

We began to move seats but the closer I got to Harry, The more I could smell my mates scent. Once we'd sat down next to each other, the only smell my nose could register was hi— I mean my mates scent.

I hadn't spoken the whole time (which had only been about a minute or so) as I was so deep in thought. I say that but I'm just... panicking. I had to think of some thing mean and witty to say and to say it quick.

"Almost forgot you were here, Potter," I spat. Yet all he did was give me glare then went back to reading the chapter of our potions book that Snape had set us. Not the usual 'Shove of Malfoy!' Strange.

While he was distracted, I whipped out my notebook to compare him to my sketch.

•Bright emerald eyes.
•Gryffindor tie.
•Dark raven-colored hair.

Harry has all of those features. It couldn't be...
Harry Bloody James Potter is my mate?!

I sat there in disbelief for a moment, inhaling his scent and staring at him doing his work. Now that I think about it Harry is actually quite cute. The way his messy hair sticks up. His expression when he's angry, confused, annoyed, happy and pretty much all the time. Him looking tired out after being late. It's all cute.

"Well, Malfoy?" Harry questioned making me jump slightly, "Are you gonna do any work?" I could feel my ears heating up so I respond with: "What do you think, Potter?" then went on to do my work.

Snape held me back after class, to 'catch up' he says. I haven't seen or talked to him all summer since the War. "So, how have you been?" Snape asked his voice emotionless as usual.

"Okay, just with the inheritance and all..." I trailed off.

"How has — mate-finding been going?"said Snape walking around the room sounding the slightest bit interested.

"Well, good. The thing is, I think I have found them." He turned to me - an eyebrow raised. It wouldn't be hard to tell he was holding back some emotions.

"Tell me about them, won't you Draco?"

"Right. Firstly it's a boy," I said timidly. Thankfully, he didn't seem phased. "Gryffindor. Raven hair. Short. Bright emerald-green eyes. And kind of famous." I rambled on, hoping he would catch on. As he did, he gave me the most peculiar look, almost to say exactly who it is. "It's Harry. My Veela Mate is Harry James Potter." His eyes widened, but then he started pacing around.

"I better tell the clu— I mean Dumbledore." He spoke.

"Why?" I questioned, quite curious.

"Well, maybe we could arrange something."

"Okay," I said hopping off his desk. I was almost out the room when I caught sight of my Godfather looking excited for no apparent reason. Quite weird.

The day so far has been a bit peculiar.


Word count: 882

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