Open Book

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¡Your favourite procrastinator finally gifts you with a chapter on this rare occasion!

Draco's POV

I walked into the Slytherin common room (without Harry for once) voices shouting in my head. I merely just dropped my bag by the foot of a small circular table and fell onto the couch. Maybe melting into it will solve my problems.

"Oh, Dray Dray!" called a female voice that I knew all so well. I don't have time for her shit.

"What is it?" I groaned, sitting up to face her. Then I froze. What I saw with my own two eyes, was my best friend - that I call Pansy - holding up my two most private books. My 'diary notebook' as I like to call it and my tattered black sketchbook.

"What might these be I may ask?" she queried, smirking. I was lost for words. Knowing her, she's probably seen it all. I tried to let out a snappy retort but failed.

"Please...give them...back," I squeaked. The smirk on her face slightly faltered then began to only just open the sketchbook. "No!" I yelled and she shut it immediately.

"Lucky Blaise and I've seen them already," she muttered. Pansy began to walk over to the couch and handed me back my precious books. Snatched them from her and clutched them tightly. "So—" I cut her off in fear.

"Don't say anything," I whispered. "Where's Blaise?"

"In the dorm. Doing Merlin knows what," she said casually. I hit my head on the book in embarrassment. Pansy just scoffed. "It's okay y'know." I just groaned. I'd put everything in there, everything. And now it's been read.

"Draco, your actually so dramatic!" she said biting back laughter.

"I am not dramatic! And it's not funny!" I yelled.

"Sure. Third year. 'I'm dying! I'm dying, look at me! It's killed me! she exclaimed mocking me. I shot her a glare that would normally shut anyone up. But it didn't cause she's my best friend.

"Apart from that," she continued, "we should—"

"I should," I interrupted, "carry on."

"You should put an enchantment on it," she suggested.

"No shit Sherlock," I moaned.

"Now that's settled. Plan toward the Malfoy-Potters is a go. Step 1–"

"Stop right there," I said, "Plan? There are steps? Fucking Malfoy-Potter's?" Pansy's face remained neutral for a second then turned to an amused one. She did one of laughs that was almost a sweet type of cackle.

"Draco, Draco, Draco; sometimes you can be as oblivious as Harry. Haven't you figured it out?" Pansy said in a sweet yet sarcastic tone.

"No actually..." I muttered.

"We're Slytherins. We always have a cunning plan." she stated. "Now sit up and let me explain." I reluctantly obliged and sat up, still clutching my books and a pillow.

Sighing I replied, "Go on then."

"Thank you. Well there's always a plan and we have one." my crazy friend explained "It had 10 steps but you've completed most of them. Now for Number 8: Be open." Puzzled I looked at her.

"Like a book. Open? Clean and Distinct? Make it crystal clear that you like him - or whatever you call it." Pansy began when I interjected.

"What if the plot is confusing? And the writer uses complex structuring and words?" Pansy only rolled her eyes.

"Well then be like those picture books you have," she falsely concluded.

"They are not picture books!" I corrected in an aggressive way. "They're just diagrams of how to perform different types of magic with very little words."

"Yeah-huh. So you understand?" she said almost completely disregarding my comment.

"Yeah... what are the other steps?" I questioned.

"That's for another day." she replied smirking. "Get to work now! Practice pickup lines and flirting; you also might wanna put some enchantments on those books." Pansy got up and began walking away.

"But I can already—" I managed before she  cut me off again.

"Your a baby Draco. You know nothing. Brush his hand stay closer to him things like that." I just began to stare at her completely shocked.

"Baby?" I began to shout, "Pansy I'm 2 foutu years older than you!"

"Tut-tut." And then she was out of sight.

Word Count: 700

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