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Draco's POV


Harry latched on to my arm and wrapped his arms around my waist. I hugged his body to mine a bit.


Harry whimpered slightly then buried his face in the crook of my neck while clutching to me tighter. I sighed and put down my book on the side table.

After the war, Harry'd grown to be afraid of, or more like triggered by loud noises or sudden flashes. It seems strange because most classes have those things but he's used to stuff like that.

I know that it's only a temporary after-the-war trauma type of thing. But what could he do? Things like that are bound to do some damage.

I shifted on the bed, in the Room of Requirement, and looked down at him. "Harry, calm down. They're just fireworks," I said trying to assure him.

"I know that — but I don't care," Harry said looking back up at me. "You never know: a wizard could firing at a," he paused, "you know."

I sighed again, closing my eyes for a second shaking my head. "Stop being pessimistic. You know there's nothing there."

"But there could-" I cut him off.

"If it makes you feel better, I could block it out?" I questioned. He nodded softly and I pointed my wand at the windows, whispering small 'silencios', making the loud sounds cease almost immediately.

"Better?" I asked sarcastically. Harry rolled his eyes at me yet smiling slightly.

"Bitch," he murmured. Hearing him loud and clear, I make a fake shocked face.

"How rude!" I mocked. "And either way, I am no dog. You would be the puppy out of the both of us."

"No, I mean the high maintenance, sarcastic one," he said, tone flat. There was no way to justify that because, by all means Harry was right.

"I'm still not a bitch - or chienne is what it is in French," I replied feeling quite witty. I saw him about to say something but once again, interrupted. "Let's just go to sleep. I really don't know what this conversation has become."

The lights went out with a small flick of the wrist and I lay on my side by Harry.

Though I was a light sleeper, I fell asleep quite quickly into a peaceful and comfortable sleep.

The night passed calmly but I was woken up in the middle of the night by small whispers and Harry poking my face.

"Dray. Dray. Dray," he murmured. "Dray. Dray. Draco~" I rubbed my eyes groggily and batted his hands away from me.

"Pourqoui to es debut?" I sighed. I saw the shadow of him tilting his head to the side.


"Let me translate. Why, the fuck, are you up?" I whisper-yelled.

"Oh, that," I said offhandedly. "I needed to ask you something."

I made a hand fest for him to go on. "You know I need my sleep. I will be in the worst mood if I'm tired," I scolded him slightly. That and the fact that I'm not drinking coffee to wake myself up.

"Whatever," he said. "But first - lumos!"
His wand, which was on a bedside table, popped on. Now, I could see things (and Harry of course) clearly. He looked way too tired and I was sure I looked no different.

"I was wondering," he began, "why can we still hear eachother thought? The Redosus must've worn off by now."

I facepalmed and rubbed my eyes, more from what Harry said then being tired.
"You never finished that Veela book, did you?" He shook his slowly. "I swear to Merlin, Harry. You finish that book by the end of the month-"

"I will, I promise," I sighed happily. "Still wanna know why we can still hear eachothers thoughts, though."

"It's an ability as well as a sign of bonding. So after an amount of time, the Veela will be able to hear their mates thoughts," I explained. "If both in the pairing are of the Veela species, the Dominant will be able to tune in to the Submissive's mind."

"It varies for each pair, depending how much time they spend together or if there is mutua feelings. Also, the Sub or non-Veela can't hear the others thoughts, until they've accepted their mate or strengthened the bond immensely."

I took a deep breath, and hoped I wouldn't have to explain once more. Smiling pridefully, I muttered, "To think I said it all at 2 am. Granger could never."

He looked puzzled but I knew it hasn't fully processed yet. "Just read the book, and for baise sake, go to bed."

"Fine," he murmured. And with a question 'nox' the wandlight went out swiftly. I heard the sound of him shifting to lay down and really got to sleep.

Word count: 804

A/N: One word for ya — fluff. It's meh

I've gotten a head start on the next chapter tho-

Thanks for checking up on but I'm sTiLl A pIeCe Of GaRaBagE,


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