A Few Days Events - Pt. 1

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Harry's POV


I woke up in the morning at 6. It wasn't to my own accords though; Madam Pomfrey woke me saying I had visitor. Bear in mind that she doesn't particularly like visitors (especially so early in the morning) as she always says we 'need bed rest' so this is quite surprising.

I sit up and rub my eyes, before grabbing my glasses from the table and put them on. There was a curtain around my bed which Madam Pomfrey must have closed after I'd fell back asleep. I heard low whispers. I immediately recognize the voice of Hogwarts matron for almost 30 years, then the deep voice I could listen to all day, every day. The one that used spit rude remarks at me everyday at Hogwarts.
Draco Malfoy. I couldn't hear much but caught this.

"He's hated me this whole time!" False. "What am I supposed to do?" Draco whisper-yelled.

"He's your submissive mate! It is gonna work eventually," Madam Pomfrey whispered back.

"Yeah - when I'm dead!" he replied obviously frustrated.

"Are you acquainted - at least?" Madam Pomfrey sighed.

Sounding slightly more cheerful Draco said, "Well we're not arguing anymore."

"There's some good news," said Madam Pomfrey sarcastically, "you might as well go in. He can probably hear every word we're saying right now." I smirked that is correct. "Oh Harry! You're awake!" she said after she'd pulled back the curtain, ushering Draco to the side of my bed. "Well, I'll leave two alone. Any trouble," she said glancing between me and Draco, " tell me." Then she closed the curtains and could still hear the clatter of her shoes against the magical polished floor as she walked away.

I reluctantly turned to Draco. After sitting up straighter, crossed my legs under the sheets, then brushed them off and using my forehead to feel if my hair was messy enough, I finally huffed: "Hey," groggily. Draco shuffled along to the side of my bed and sat down just below where my crossed legs were.

"Hi," Draco replied no more tired than I was. "Sorry, for coming in so early. Didn't mean to wake you," he apologized somewhat sincerely.
I could see in his beautiful, pale face that he was sorry.

"No, it's really fine. If I'd waken any later, I would have been late to everything."

"As always," he murmured, in a joking manner.

"Hey!" I said slapping his shoulder. We laughed for for 2 minutes and when it subsided I asked "So, what brings you here?"

"Dunno. Just wanted to check on you and talk I guess," he uttered quietly... blushing. Wait. Hold the butterbeer. Draco Malfoy was blushing at something to do with me? My insides felt warm as they twisted and turned to the thought. Just like in my dream, there was a slight tug in the pit of my stomach. If I hadn't been restraining myself, I would have causally leant forward and kissed him. His lips on mine. Magical. But everyone needs boundaries, right?

"Harry?" I jerked out of my trance hear the use of my first name. I realized how long my odd Draco-related thoughts had been going on and the length of time I'd been staring. I shook my head.

"Sorry, just zoned out."

"It's fine," he said awkwardly, " how's life been?" We talked for an hour about our families, the war and our petty arguments. We laughed, we felt sadness and remorse. It was so nice to see Draco in his pure, free self. Emotions bright and beautiful just like him.

At 7 am, Madam Pomfrey told us both to get ready for Breakfast. "Cya then," he said cheerier than normal. I waved him off.

"Bye!" I called out as he walked away. I could hear his distant chuckle. I lay back down and squeezed the air excitedly. That was nice.


I got up way earlier than I should have just so I could get ready and rush a shower, just for the small possibility that Draco would drop by again. I only wore my shirt, tie, jumper, trousers and socks; leaving my cloak and shoes for later.

Promptly at 6:30 am (just as I'd expected) Draco walked through the creaking doors of the Hospital wing, grinning. "Hello," he said reaching my bed — like we hadn't been enemies for 7 years before this. I truly do wonder what spells were used getting us all friendly and what not.

"Greetings," I muttered awkwardly.

Laughing, he asked, "Wanna go for a walk?" I shrugged then got up to slip on my shoes and cloak.

"Why not?"

We strolled round the castle and grounds talking about different things. Lots of stuff but the recurring subject: the war and Veela. I've barely had any experience with them — except from the Quidditch World Cup in Fourth year and meeting Fleur Delacour. He seemed to know a freakish amount about them. I figured that I might go to the library to research them a bit more.

We walked into the Great Hall together then split seeing as our house tables were at opposite ends of the hall. I sat at the end of the Gryffindor table yet again seeing as I haven't made up with my supposed 'best friends'. I ate quickly and messily, just so I could dash to the library. I stood up and began to take large strides to get to the library quickly.

I arrived and began scanning through the isles looking for any books on the subject. Then I found them. A large box containing 3 large books.

The Veela Collection

Veela: The Enchanting Creatures.

Veela: The Powers of the Magical Species.

Veela: The Subject of Veela Mates.

I took the box and dragged it over to the irritable Madam Pince's table, informing her that I would have the books. I rushed out of the Library just as fast as I dashed in, trying not to be late for transfiguration.


I walked into the Gryffindor common, for the first time since arriving. Instead of there being the just same scarlet and gold Gryffindor robes with the Lion crest, I saw black and yellow Hufflepuff crests, bronze and blue Ravenclaw ties and –most surprisingly – the infamous Slytherin colors. Along with the Gryffindors of course. I scurried in as stealthily as possible and asked the nearest Hufflepuff what was going on.

"Excuse me?" I said quietly, tapping their shoulder. A pale boy with dirty blonde hair and was round about my height, turned round. He had a with greenish-blue eyes, looked as if he was in his Sixth year and in my opinion was quite attractive, turned tried to answer me. His eyes widened seeing it was me — 'the famous Harry Potter'— but he shook it off and answered.

"Yes?" He asked with a bubbly voice and smile.

"Sorry to bother you or seem a bit thick but, why are different houses in this common room?" I questioned.

"Oh!" he said, "Dumbledore mentioned it, inter-house unity!" I pulled a confused face and he continued to explain. "It means that house common rooms and tables are not limited to that house only. Except in feasts and dorm-wise."

"Thank you so much! Sorry again for bothering you!" I called out. I ran up to the dormitory, lay down on my bed — that I haven't seen in a year — and began my research on Veela


Word count: 1238 (Oml😂)

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