Starry Nights and Quidditch

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Draco's POV

I got up early that morning, thankful as we had classes today: it being Monday. I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly then looked down at Harry. He looked awfully peaceful sleeping, while snoring quietly. I didn't want to wake him, but let's face it: letting him sleep in wasn't an option.

I shook him softly by the shoulder as I said, "Harry, wake up. You're gonna be late if you sleep any more."

After a few minutes of trying to wake him up the nice way, I slowly got fed up and decided that there was an easier, much faster way of waking him.

I picked my wand up from the small table bedside table and thought, 'Sorry not sorry.' I pointed my wand at his face and murmured "Aguamenti," spraying him with water.

I saw him jolt awake and squirm for a sec, frantically wiping his face. "Why in the name of Merlin did you do that?!" he exclaimed.

I smirked slightly, before answering. "Wouldn't you if it'd been 10 minutes?" I asked sarcastically. "I tried being sweet by not doing this firstly but when you decided not to putain de wake up- You stayed up till 2 am on your own accord."
I sure as hell remembered that.

"Note à moi-même: ne laisse pas Harry se lever tard," I muttered.

I expected him to have a snappy retort on the tip of his tongue, but remember to expect the unexpected. "I really need to learn French, dont I? You're starting to speak it a whole load," he said to me.

I sighed softly contemplating how that was what he caught from my whole rant. I shook my head laughing under my breath, "I'm just gonna get ready.


The night prior, the room of Requirement produced our uniforms, as we hadn't brought a spare that day.

The whole day was quite relaxed to be fair, nothing overly dramatic happening apart from Harry ripping open his bag. An easy fix as long as you knew the basic repairing charm.

But during lunch, the one time Harry and I don't sit together, Pansy had to be the one to ask me too many questions.

"So you and Potter, now?" she knowingly questioned. I nodded finishing the quiche that I'd been eating, then looking up at her hearing a small squeal.

I rolled my eyes at her with her overexcited reaction to my answer. She was always one for this kinda stuff; romance and shit. Sure I could, how do you say it, be romantic (?) but I'm no romantic romantic, if that made any sense.

"I've got so much to ask," she muttered. I once again rolled my eyes and turned to her.

"Three more questions and that's it. Deal?" I said. She didn't hesitate to look shock at my unusual generosity as other times , I would just say no.

"Whatever you say," she muttered. "How long have you been going out? What's it like dating the Great Harry Potter? And-"

"It's almost been a month we've been together," I answered cutting her off. "I dunno how to describe 'what it's like' but all I can say is that he's sweet and goofy for one."

I smiled happily thinking of how lucky I was and took a bite of my desert apple. I looked at her as she had a visible spark for her last question. This mustn't be good.

Pansy grinned widely as she asked, "Next. Have you two, you know-?" I stopped her fully ending the sentence with the sound of me choking.

"No!" I said as if you would expect and different from her.

"Well, do you-"

"I said three," I deadpanned. Getting up and hoisting my bag over my shoulder, I walked off. I didn't quite ignore my best friend's sound of protest and annoyance but flipped her off in response.

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