A Few Days Events Pt. 2

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Harry's POV

I wake up early on Friday morning and I'm dead tired. I'd been reading for a few hours then went to meet up with a specific blonde Slytherin not long after. I dragged me and my book down to the hospital wing just before curfew — Madam Pomfrey was not happy. After I was bandaged, I pulled the curtains and put some charms on so that no-one would know I was reading till a time around 1 am. Even though I read quite late, I didn't get that far. There was something on my mind. Isn't there always?

I rubbed my eyes as if trying to get the tired out. I checked my watch. 6:40 am. I could do with a bit more sleep but what's the use if I was to be late anyway.

Draco met up with me for what seemed like our normal routine; even though it's only the 4th day of term.

Today's schedule was quite good, to a particular extent. Double Potions – first thing – and double Care of the Magical creatures. Not too bad.


It was after the droning History lesson that I was walking through the grounds to get Hagrid's lesson with the Slytherins. The air already biting me with its usual September cold. A quarter-way across the crisp field, I realized that Draco and the others in his house were nearby so I broke into a brisk walk.

When I came up to him he, surprisingly, didn't announce his departure or do anything Draco-matic. He just wandered of with me. We walked casually to the hosting area for the lesson; Draco talking about something I'm clueless about but me listen intently as it could be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Still listening, I felt something barge my shoulder but I didn't think much of it. It happened and I turned slightly just to see who it was and, walking not so far behind me was Ron alongside Hermione. I turned my back as though pretending not to acknowledge them. I could never give them the satisfaction. I felt a bump again and whipped around.

"What do you want, Ronald?" I questioned heartlessly. He looked at me annoyedly.

"I just wanna say sor—" he muttered before I interrupted.

"I don't give damn with your sorry!" I exclaimed. "Now clear off."

"Oh come off it," he complained.

"Do I have to put it into a simpler form? Go — away. There." Ron stopped and clicking his tongue.

Suddenly he just walked away in a dreamy type of way leaving me us.

"I don't know why your arguing with your best friend?"


Word count: 441.
(Shortest chapter in a while.)

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