15 Questions

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Draco's POV

Harry and I have been hanging out for 3 weeks since the start of term and since that Friday, he's been careful to avoid the bushy and ginger-haired couple. Each day we would go to our common rooms (mostly Slytherin) together. Others, we would ditch them and chill in secret passageway or the Room of Requirement.

At this point, I know that I'm gay. Girls aren't for me. I always find my self subconsciously staring at Harry — sometimes he's staring right back. I liked him. And I would still even if didn't have to, to save my life. I wanted to know him more. But if was until a rainy Wednesday afternoon that I decided to get into it. In my diary notebook, I wrote out a whole plan of what I was to do.

I put all the questions onto different pieces of parchment, in order, put them into my bag then headed of to the Come and Go room

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I put all the questions onto different pieces of parchment, in order, put them into my bag then headed of to the Come and Go room.

"Hello," I heard from near to me when I reached the fourth floor.

"Harry?" I asked into the air,

"Mhm," he responded. There was still no sign of him.

"Where are— putain de saké!" I exclaimed partly in French. Harry popped up in front of me from underneath his invisibility cloak."Pourquoi diable devez-vous utiliser cette cape d'invisibilité? Seriously?"

"Not that I understood a word you spoke," Harry said with a puzzled look on his face, "but I presume you were speaking French!"

"Sorry, I do that if I'm shocked, mad or excited," I replied. "Anyways, lets go!" We continue to walk up 3 more flights of stairs till we got to the Room of Requirement. We walked in casually then both look at the bay window.

"Race ya?" Harry questioned.


We dashed off. I whipped out my wand and began to obstruct his path in any way I could. "Accio Pillow!"

"Depulso!" he shouted and the pillow turned and began to come straight for me.

"Evenesco!" I yelled so it wouldn't hit me.

He smirked then called, "Aguamenti!" so a jet of water hit me. I didn't stop though. I was about to shout, Densaugeo, when Potter hit me with a different spell.

"Expelliarmus!" he exclaimed. My wand flew right out of my hand and landed with a clatter across the room. I began to run a bit faster just in case he would try to land anymore spells on me.

When I heard him yell, "Colloshoo!" I knew I'd lost. My feet were stuck to the ground.

"How much?" I asked sulkily. He smirked in triumph.

"5 galleons – and that's me being nice," he clarified.
I took 5 galleons from the sack of gold in my pocket (that I bring with me every where I go) Then tried to move to give it to him the realised I'm stuck. I glared at Harry while he tried to hold back a laugh.

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