14 years ago

470 6 30

Brooklyn, New York City, United States of America

Time: 23.45

*newborn baby's crying*

"San-Ha, she is so cute" exclaimed Sun Yazhu, to his wife Park San-Ha. A healthy baby girl was just born into their world, Park Su-Yong.

"Excuse me, but what will be her name? Or names?" their midwife asked. 

"Her English name shall be Sofia Riley, Korean name shall be Park Su-Yong and Chinese name shall be Sun Ming", San-Ha told the midwife, who wrote all three names up. 

Two years later: [age: 2 yrs.]

"E-eom-ma", Su-Yong said her first word, in the airplane when they were moving to Korea. 

"Oh, our little Yongie said her first ever word!" Yazhu quietly rejoiced in the plane.

 Five years later: [age: 7 yrs.]

"Eomma, I don't  wanna go to public school, I want to be homeschooled!" Su-Yong told her parents. San-Ha and Yazhu looked at each other. They looked like they were talking with their eyes.

"Alright Su-Yong, I know just the girl to be your teacher," Yazhu stated.

"Oh, who is she Appa?" Su-Yong asked curiously.

"Her name is Moon Tae-Yun and she is the younger sister of Moon Taeil from NCT, " Yazhu told his daughter.

Two years later: [age: 9 yrs.]

"Okay, Su-Yong, what is the answer for question one?" Tae-Yun asked from the nine-year-old Su-Yong.

"Is it *What is your greatest strength?*?" Su-Yong answered. Tae-Yun smiled and nodded.

"This is enough for today see you again on Monday Su-Yong!" Tae-Yun stated and began gathering her belongings.

"Okay, bye Unnie!" Su-Yong said and disappeared into her room. There she continued to work on one of her paintings. 

Su-Yong's pov

Oh, hey you there across the screen! My name is Park Su-Yong and the timestamps you just read are happy periods of my life before I became an orphan. At the moment I am fourteen years old and I live in Yurin-Unnie's orphanage. I'll give you a little info about myself and my best friend Moon-Hee.

 I'll give you a little info about myself and my best friend Moon-Hee

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Korean Name: Park Su-Yong

Chinese Name: Sun Ming

English Name: Sofia Riley 

Age: 14, I'm turning fifteen in July

My Birthday: July 16, 2005

Born in Brooklyn, New York City, America

Best friend:

Korean name: Yang Moon-Hee

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Korean name: Yang Moon-Hee

Age: 18, turns 19 soon

Birthday: 8.2.2001

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Info: twin brother is Yang Jeong-In from Stray Kids, Nanny, and Teacher at Yurin- Orphanage, Su-Yong's Best Friend


Angel signed in<3

Hi! Anyounghaseyo!

How's it going for u?


Angel signed out<3

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