The storm

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The whole building shook and things fell over. I was close to some heavy looking cardboard boxes when they fell down near me. I was really scared.

But then I felt this overwhelming feeling, of my Baba being beside me and trying to say to me the Chinese poem, that always calmed me down.

"My love for you is like the raging sea,

So powerful and deep it will forever be.

Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,

It will withstand every pain." I said to myself but I then realised I had forgotten the second verse to it. But I still felt my Baba's presence and it made me remember the second verse.

"Come a little closer

Honey, come a little closer,

let me whisper in your ear.

Let me tell it to you softly,

So that no one else will hear.

I love You, Wǒ ài nǐ" I finished the poem and I finally felt a tad bit calmer, though the situation still wasn't over.

The I saw a flashlight at the end of the hallway and I felt a lot more better.


I was walking with Chan and Cheol, when we passed by the unused part of the building, which was supposed to go into construction soon. I paused for a second and shined the flashlight to there but I didn't see anything. I almost continued walking when I heard footsteps and soon the loud and scared shreak of "EOMMAA!"

Su-Yong's voice. I turned my flashlight back there and saw her running towards me. I quickly opened my arms and she ran into them, with me closing them tightly around her.

"Oh, how worried I was, how long where you here, and-. Oh, why is my aga crying?" I started to sooth her, while Seungcheol called everyone and told them, that Su-Yong was found.

"I- *Hiccup* The thunder is-*Hicc* scary!" she cried onto my shirt. I lifted her on my arms as we started to make our way back home. Recording could be done another day. I just needed to get Su-Yong home and some hot chocolate and blankets and a nice movie.

At home:

I had been keeping Su-Yong in my arms all throughout the car ride, even if it was dangerous. Su-Yong wasn't crying as hard but still I felt her tear run down my back and staining my shirt. (SY: I still feel bad about that. ME: Shush my child, remember the fourth wall!)

I got out of the car with Su-Yong and walked straight to the living room where I sat down on the sofa. Minghao putting a movie in and I noticed it being Disney's Mulan, with Chinese audio, but Korean subtitles. 'Clever from him, Su-Yong will probably calm down hearing some Chinese. And even if it doesn't we can request Jun to sing in Chinese'


When I heard Chinese, I immediately looked to the tv and saw we were watching Mulan in Chinese. I tried to climb out of Eommas lap, to sit on the sofa but I wasn't allowed. Eomma keeping me in place.

"Eomma? I wanna sit with Jun gege and Hao gege, also where is Saurus?" I said. Eomma, released me and I jumped onto Jun whilst Chan gave me the plushie.

I just snuggled my face into the plushie and then decided to rename it.

"Pause the movie! I have announcement to make!" I said and the movie was paused by Seung Kwan.

"What is it?" Mingyu asked. I smiled really wide.

"I have decided to rename my plushie. The original name I gave was when I had started to stand you, and it was inspired by Chan's stage name. I mean Dinosaur? And now, I'm gonna name this plush as Dino and not as Saurus!" I said as excitment filled me.

"Wait, you named it after me? Aww, thank you," Chan said and I smiled.

Later in the day, I was sitting at the kitchen island while Eomma was cooking supper for us all.


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;)

Angel signed out!


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