Family candidate?

255 3 26


I woke up to Moon-Hee shaking me lightly. She had opened my curtains and the sunlight shined into my eyes. I closed them quickly as the sunbeam blinded me for a good second.

"Good morning Yongie, how was your sleep?" Unnie asked me as I got up. I groaned and wanted to go back to sleep.

"I had a weird dream," I said. Moon-Hee tilted her head and I took it as she wanted to know about my dream. And I told her.

In the dream, I was living as normal as in real life, but then on the 3rd of March, I got adopted by Astro. And I lived happily with them and then I woke up.

"Weird isn't it? One; Astro is my second favourite group two; they suddenly adopt me. Like, why would Astro want to adopt me? I'm a nobody to them," I mumbled incoherently.

"Well, I think it wasn't just a dream. Astro is coming today here, they heard of you and wanted to see if they could adopt you. Mr Park called this morning while you were sleeping and they will be here at 2.00 pm," Moon-Hee told me. My jaw dropped.

"Oh, my, god!" (a/n: OMG is a good song) I was shocked.

Later in the day, twenty minutes before Astro arrives.

I was nervous and scared. I mean I would love to get adopted by Astro but I had this feeling in my gut that, there would be a better option coming. Should I let Astro adopt me and miss the other option (Which I had no idea what it was) or say no and wait for the other option.

"Su-Yong! They are here!" I heard from downstairs and I became even more nervous. I heard the bubbly voice of Sanha and I kinda wanted to just run there and hug him, but I couldn't just do that.

"Coming Unnie!" I yelled back.

As I got down I immediately hid behind Moon-Hee. I heard Jinwoo chuckle at my behaviour and I blushed.

"Su-Yong, they won't bite. Come out and meet them. It's okay!" Yurin-Unnie reassured me and I got out but hung my head low.

"Anyeonghaseyo, jeonneun Su-Yong-ibnida," I said quietly but still did a cute smile. Everyone cooed at my cuteness.

"Hi, Su-Yong! We are Astro! Anyeonghaseyo, jeonneun Astro-ibnida!" They all said to me. I nodded and smiled.

A few minutes later.

"Su-Yong, it's your choice now. Do you want Astro to adopt you or will you decline the option?" Yurin-Unnie asked me. I pondered for a minute and then said: "I'll politely decline this, but I would love it if we could STAY as friends!" I said.

"That's okay! And we would love it too to be friends with you!" Sanha said to me. I smiled and then bowed. I left the room and went to the kitchen to fetch myself a chocolate chip cookie.

"Anyoung Astro!" I yelled to the door, as I heard them leaving.

I closed my door, went over to my desk and took out my Chinese books. I mean, I'm half Chinese so might as well keep it up. I could also study more English, Korean and a bit more Japanese.


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;)

Angel signed out!


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