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(A/N: While reading this chapter I suggest you listen to Seventeen's Home in Korean AND Chinese.)



Su-Yong sat between Seok Min and Joshua, and almost immediately fell asleep on Seokmin's shoulder.



Su-Yong had fallen asleep on my shoulder, and oh boy was my heart-melting. I could see that Joshua-Hyung was thinking the same.

"Babe, is your heart also melting, because of Su-Yong-ah?" he whispered to me.

"Oh, yeah, definitely. Is yours too?" I asked. He nodded and then focused back to look out the window. I also did that and saw that we were getting closer (SVT reference) to our house. (And before you ask, yes they are idols here. In all of my books where they are idols, they live in houses, as I find it easier to write)

As we pulled up to our driveway I realized that I was kinda stuck. Thankfully Mingyu saw my despair and lifted the sleeping teen on his arms.

"Thanks, Mingyu-ah," I said quietly to the younger. We all went inside, Jeonghan leading Mingyu upstairs presumably to Su-Yong's room. After I had gotten freed from that, I clung on to Joshua-Hyung.

He just chuckled and led us to the kitchen to grab a few snacks and some soda for our usual movie night. When I realised what he was grabbing I quickly kissed his cheek blushing and then running quickly to our room. I heard his chuckle right behind me. 'waah, why is Hyung so cute but also hot at the same time?!?!' I screamed in my head.


I sighed, looking at my "kids". And I guess Seungcheol heard me because the next thing I knew was that I was engulfed in a bear hug by him.

"It's okay Hanie, as long as Yongie doesn't wake up, because of them, we should be fine," he said. I tilted my head toward him and gave him a peck on the lips.

Right after that, we put our 'parent mode' on and started to shoo everyone into their room. 'thank god for our rooms being soundproof. Su-Yong won't be able to hear any *stuff* happening in the other rooms. You never know what they are doing.'

As everyone had gone to their rooms, Cheol and I went to check up on our daughter. 'Ahh, okay I can't believe she's legally our daughter!!'

After that, we quickly went to our room and laid down on our bed.


I jolted awake, realizing that I was in an unfamiliar room, but as I looked around the dimly lit room I saw my luggage next to my closet.

I quickly went to my luggage to see if my most important plushie was in there.

My all-time favourite stuffed animal which I named as Saurus, I got it for my birthday when I was 10

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My all-time favourite stuffed animal which I named as Saurus, I got it for my birthday when I was 10. And because at that time I had started to stan this rookie group called Seventeen I got the idea from Dino, Seventeen's maknae. (A/N: I know I know, that was super obvious but I just had to write that)

"There you are Saurus, I thought I had lost you!" I exclaimed rather loudly. I panicked as it was like 2 am and I didn't want to wake anybody up. I was gonna go back to bed when I heard the thundering sound of thunder and lightning. I whimpered and wanted someone to hug, but there was no one. I was alone, which scared me even more. (Sofia, I'm sorry if this makes you seem like a scaredy-cat, I just need this to fit the story)

I wanted to go outside my room, but I knew if I did so, I would wake someone up. 

"Baba?! Mama?!" I whimpered again but this time in Chinese. As I said that I felt like going outside my room, and going (SEVENTEEN) to the living room.

'Yea, that's what I'll do, maybe I'll fall asleep there' I thought and stood up, walking out of my room with my diary and Saurus in hand.


Dear diary, I'm alone right now and it's scaring me a bit, I know I should probably be sleeping now, but I just can't it's a thunderstorm right now, and everyone is asleep. So I thought of writing in here for now.

But other than the fact that I'm scared I feel really happy, cause I got adopted and feel really lucky, I hope Eomma and Baba are happy for me. Their only daughter has a home now!!

bye-bye, and good night, Su-Yong

After closing my diary up, I put it on the coffee table and then got comfortable on the sofa, soon falling asleep.

Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;)

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