Mysterious caller

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I woke up to my alarm. Turning it off, I stretched myself before getting up and walking to my closet. I was feeling cute so, I chose to pick a cute outfit. A pink shirt with some light washed jeans. (A/N: I would be giving u a photo but my laptop just doesn't want to cooperate w/me so no photo I guess)

After I had changed, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, before going downstairs to the kitchen. I took myself some cereal. As I sat down Moon-Hee emerged from the living room.

"Good morning Unnie!" I said to her, before going to my phone and setting YouTube up. Deciding to watch Seventeen's Adore U, as it is one of my favourite ones. I just have to say that Woozi or shall I say, Ji Hoon was cute in Adore U's MV. As I was eating my cereal and watching the MV, I thought to myself. 'What if Seventeen decides to adopt me? I mean, Astro already wanted to and I know for a fact that they are friends with Seventeen, so maybe they are talking about me?' I then realized how crazy my thoughts were, so I just shook the thoughts away and was about to eat more cereal, only to realize my bowl was empty.


I snapped back to reality as I saw Tae-Yun in front of me. 'Oh, right, school.'

"Su-Yong? Come, let's start on some mathematics today, then move onto English.


Later in the day:


I was working on some adoption papers, regarding the four children we housed, particularly Su-Yong's, when my work phone started ringing. I stopped and answered the caller.

"Lee Yurin's orphanage, how may I help you?"

"Hi, this is Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx speaking, and I would like to..."


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;) Also who do u think called Yurin? (Also, sorry for the short chapter, this is just a filler I had to do)

(Words: 281)

Angel signed out!


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