Awkward morning

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After closing my diary up, I put it on the coffee table and then got comfortable on the sofa, soon falling asleep.



I woke up next to my beautiful husband. Smiling I pecked his nose and got up. Because I always sleep without a shirt I quickly opened our closet and threw a black t-shirt on, before exiting my room.

'I should go check on Su-Yong and see if she had good nights sleep in her new home, it might've been a bit shocking to wake up in a new environment.'

I opened the door expecting to see her still sleeping but I only saw messed up sheets and her suitcase opened. I freaked out, where was my daughter?!

'I have to go and look for her, maybe she is already awake and downstairs.' I thought as I walked down the steps. As I looked from the stairs, I didn't see her in the dining area or the kitchen, so I turned to look and see the study area and nothing.

'Two places left, the living area and the bathroom' I opened the bathroom seeing no one there I figured she'd be in the living area. And thank god I was so relieved to see her sleeping peacefully on the sofa with a dinosaur plushie.

I walked around the sofa and sat next to her, moving her sleeping form onto my lap.


I was awakened by coldness. Wondering where my husband was, I sat up on our bed and saw our closet open. 'Hmm, maybe he's awake and downstairs, might as well go there myself and start with the breakfast' I thought to myself and took one of Cheol's hoodies from his side of the closet.

As I walked downstairs I heard humming and the low volume of the morning news.

"Babe? What are you doing here? I'm sad that I didn't get to wake up in your arms," I said with a pouty face and a bit of sadness in my voice. Cheol's head turned towards me and gave me an apologetic face.

"Oh, sorry Angel, I just woke up and went to look for Su-Yong, she probably woke up at night, and came downstairs," Cheol said, and I just made a small shocked face. But then my face softened and I tiptoed to him. Resting my arms on the back of the sofa I gave him a peck.

"I understand, but will you wake her up, I'll start on the breakfast and I'll let her eat before the other kids," I said, making Cheol chuckle.

"Is my husband an Angel now, or did your devilish side take over?" he asked jokingly. I smiled and said: "Oh, I'm more angel right now, I just don't want the boys to eat the breakfast before Su-Yong has eaten,"

Cheol smiled and started to slowly wake Su-Yong up, as I went to the kitchen taking 16 eggs out and at least 30 slices of bacon, I mean I have fourteen people to feed.


I woke up to someone humming a soft tune of Adore U and I smiled feeling satisfied. But then I realised that my head wasn't on my pillow or the sofas pillow, but on someone's shoulder and I panicked.

I sat up straight and startled the person, whom I was sleeping on.

"Oh, you're awake now, good since Hannie is making your breakfast," I heard Seungcheol's sweet and low voice say. I just sat in his lap mortified.

"Ack, I'msosorrytohavebeensleepingonyou,I'msorry,I'msorry!" I said but I probably didn't make any sense if the puzzled look on the older's face was anything to go by. (A/N: Clarification on what Su-Yong said; I'm so sorry to have been sleeping on you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!)

"Hey, hey calm down, it's okay. I found you here sleeping and moved you onto my lap, so you would be a bit more comfortable sleeping, no need to apologise," he said, calming me down. But then he started to get up, with me still in his arms. By instinct, I wrapped my hands around his neck as I didn't want to fall and even though Cheol wouldn't let me fall, I held onto him for dear life.

He just walked to the kitchen, where I could smell the sweet smell of bacon and eggs. Cheol put me down on the kitchen island's chair and Jeonghan put a plate in front of me.

"Gamsahabnida, err," I didn't know if I wanted to call him Eomma or just Hannie but he answered for me.

"You can call me Eomma if you want. I mean we are your parents now, so calling us Eomma and Appa is fine, the others are you brothers so call the oppa or gē ge if you'd like,"

"Gamsahabnida Eomma!" I said and dug into my food making some cute notices as to say I loved the food. Appa ruffled my hair and sat down next to me, getting himself a plate too.


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;)

Angel signed out!


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