Awkward morning (pt.2)

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"Gamsahabnida Eomma!" I said and dug into my food making some cute noises as to say I loved the food. Appa ruffled my hair and sat down next to me, getting himself a plate too.



I was almost finished with my breakfast when I started hearing loud noises come from the stairs. 'I guess the others or should I say my brothers are awake'

"Oh? Su-Yong got to eat breakfast before we did? Hyung, isn't that a bit mean?" Joshua asked and ruffled my hair. I flinched a bit because I still wasn't quite used to living with them. I mean I had met the yesterday so, you get the idea (Author: a way to break the fourth wall Su-Yong. SY: Oh, sorry, I just wanted to tell them, but realized- Author: I understand, but you gotta focus on your family, you're kinda like talking in your head right now. SY: Yeah, sorry about that Angel)

"I'm sorry boys, but I wanted to give Su-Yong the chance to eat before you would vacuum all the food, mainly Meanie," Eomma said to them. The Meanie couple just stood there and tried to think about a good callback but didn't say anything.

"Eomma, it's okay. I'm sure they would have given me a chance and if not I would have just gone with some cereal," I said, got up from the chair and put my dishes in the sink, and went to my room.

"I- You all heard and saw that? Su-Yong is the youngest here and has a lot more manners than you guys?" Jeonghan questioned and got everyone to be quiet. "That's what I thought, from now on I want some manners and less cursing around the house," Jeonghan added.


I was putting some of my clothes into my drawer and put my stuffed dinosaur on the bed, tucking him in the blankets. Now, to decide what to wear, and after that I'll take a shower.

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After I had picked the outfit I went to my own bathroom and took a quick shower. I spent a few minutes in my bathroom drying my hair before putting the outfit I had chosen on. I was struggling a bit with my hoodie when I heard a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I called, though it was muffled because of the hoodie. (SY: don't worry, I have a white tank top under it A: of course you do! You're under-aged for god's sakes! SY: ...) The door opened and I heard Jihoon's voice.

"Su-Yong? Do you need help with that?"

"I'm f-fine Oppa," I said and finally got the hoodie over my head and smiled.

"If you say so, but Cheol-Hyung sent me to get you, he wants you to come with us to the studio, we have to record one of our new songs," Jihoon said. I nodded.

"I'll be down soon, let me just grab a few things with me," I said. He nodded and left.

'Going to Pledis? Wow, okay. I'll definitely take my phone with me, but would it be weird if I took Saurus with me? Nah, it's fine, he's coming with me'

I put my phone into my handbag, with a travel charger and also my small hairbrush.

Taking Saurus with me, I exited my room and skipped down the stairs, while humming the melody of BEAUTIFUL from Seventeen.

"Oh, Su-Yong. Are you ready?" I just nodded to Vernon's question.

"Alright, where do you wanna sit?" Appa asked, and I went quiet thinking. Then I accidentally spoke in Chinese: "I'll sit with Minghao and Junhui," I didn't realise my mistake and just sat between the Junhao couple.

"Hyung, she said she'll sit with us if you wanted to know," Junhui told Seungcheol.


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;)

Angel signed out!


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