Normal day

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My alarm went off at 5.00 am. I woke up and did my morning routine quickly. When I was done, it was 6.00 am which means Moon-Hee would soon wake up.

I exited from my room and went to the door of her room and knocked. She was already up when I knocked, so I asked her to start waking up the children expect for Su-Yong.

"Alright Unnie!" she said. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started making breakfast for 6 people. Me, Moon-Hee, Su-Yong and three toddlers (ages 3-5).

7.00 am

Breakfast was ready and Moon-Hee had gone and woken Su-Yong up. Su-Yong is the oldest here, being fourteen so I always allow her to sleep a bit longer than the three toddlers.

"Good morning Yurin-Unnie and Moon-Hee-Unnie!" I heard Su-Yong's cheerful voice.

"Good morning Su-Yong, breakfast is in the kitchen," I said back to her and continued feeding Ichi (Japanese, 3 yrs).


After I had eaten breakfast, I retreated to my room and took my pencils, paper, and copics out. I put my headphones in and started listening to Astro's Hide&Seek.

I was sketching Astro's logo and intended to paint it later in the day. As I was working I didn't realize it was soon time for the kids to go outside. I always love to help the Unnies and play with the younger ones so I exited my room, put my jacket and mittens on as it was mid-February and cold.

As I stepped outside I saw how Ichi almost fell. Thankfully she caught her self with her arms. I went to her and lifted her on her two feet. She gave me the cutest smile ever and put her arms up. I took it as that she wanted to be carried so I lifted her and placed her on my hip.

"Moon-Hee? I can play with Yeong-Su (Korean, 5 yrs) if you'll take Ichi. She almost fell and I don't think I'll be able to keep an eye on her," I said. Moon-Hee took Ichi from me and I started to play with Yeong-Su. He was like a little brother to me so I was very attached to him.

"Noona! Look I made a snowman!" he exclaimed happily.

"That you did little fella. Let's make another one, a bigger one!" I said enthusiastically.

After a few minutes:

"Alright, who wants some hot chocolate?" Yurin-Unnie said as the three youngest ones ran to the door, I followed in suit. I opened the door and helped take the winter clothes from Ichi.

*Phone rings*

"Lee Yurin, how may I help you?" Unnie answered the phone. I didn't bother to eavesdrop (I usually do) on the call, so I followed Moon-Hee to the kitchen with Heng (Chinese, 4 yrs) on my shoulders.

"Su-Yong, Tae-Yun won't be coming today, she fell sick and isn't able to teach," Unnie told me, I pouted but I understood. My Unnie should take care of her health before teaching me.

"Well, that gives me more time to paint and play with the kids," I said. I took a long sip from my hot choco and took my phone out. I started googling some inspiration from there and saw a really cute photo of Seventeen:

 I started googling some inspiration from there and saw a really cute photo of Seventeen:

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It was really cute and inspiring and so I took a screenshot of it. I put my empty cup into the sink and I ran upstairs to my room and started to draw.

Dinner time:

*Knock on the door*

"Yes?" I questioned the person outside my door.

"Yongie, dinner is ready. Come downstairs quickly," Moon-Hee was at the door and I got up.

"Alright, Unnie! Ga ja!(Let's go!)" I stated and we went downstairs. After eating I went back to my room and continued painting. I didn't stop until it was 9.00 pm which would mean I had to stop and continue tomorrow. I cleaned my brushes from the paint, cleaned my desk and put the painting onto my easel. I also put all the pencils, copics and pens back into their places. I took my PJ and towel with me as I went to take a shower. After that, I dried my hair, put it in braids and brushed my teeth.

As I exited the bathroom, I bumped into Moon-Hee.

"Oh, Yongie why aren't in bed already?" she asked me. I sheepishly smiled and said: "I took a shower."

"Oh, okay. Hurry up and go to bed," Unnie said to me and I complied. I tiptoed to my room and dove into the duvet.


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;)

(Word count: 751)

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