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"Well, you can't really fit thirteen people in the living room," I said, giving her a small clue on who it might be. And judging by her face she is oblivious.



I was walking down the stairs, alone, because Yurin-Unnie had to go get something from her office. She had told me to just walk into my dance room, so while walking there I thought of a song to dance. (BTW Seventeen is in the room, but they're hiding behind the small blue velvet curtains. Don't ask me how it's not obvious...MY STORIES DON'T KNOW PHYSICS.)

Then it clicked, I was gonna dance to Seventeen's BOOMBOOM and maybe after that to Astro's Blue Flame.

With Seventeen: (Don't ask me, why it takes so long to get to the room)

"Hyung! How long do still have to wait?" -Chan

"Just be patient." -Joshua

With Su-Yong again:

Finally, I made it. I had to go back to my room to get my laptop, so I could play the two songs. I was coincidentally in my practice clothing (outfit at the top) so I would just have to put my hair up and warm up.

I put my laptop on the small desk that is in the room, connected the Bluetooth to the speakers and opened Spotify. 'Now, which song should I do first?'

Then right as I searched the song 'BOOMBOOM' Moon-Hee came through the door.

"Oh, hi Unnie!" I said happily, not knowing 13 men were cooing behind the curtains.

"Hi, what are you gonna dance to today? Is one of the options a song from Seventeen?" Unnie asked me. I giggled.

"You know me so well Unnie, but yes I was thinking of dancing to BOOMBOOM (Imagen Seventeen with shocked faces) first then maybe Astro's Blue Flame," I told her while stretching my joints.

"Oh, who's part are you going to dance?" Moon-Hee asked me. Now I was got off guard. I hadn't thought of that.

"I- I hadn't even thought of that. Hmm, maybe I'll do Chan's !! His are interesting, some easy ones some hard ones, so yeah I'll dance to his parts!" I said and quickly jogged to my laptop.

"Do you want me to film you or not?" she asked me. I thought for a second and then shook my head.

"No, not today (BTS reference), I have done one already, though it was Soon Young's," I explained.

Because Moon-Hee had come next to me, I had asked for her to start the music, when I was ready.

"하나 둘 셋 (Hana, dul, se /one, two, three) " and the music started.

Seventeen's minds: (Somehow, Seventeen can see her dance, let's just say that the curtains are a bit see-through, so they could see something)

Chan: 'Oh wow, she's really good, also, dancing my parts, I feel for some reason proud, am I allowed to feel proud??'

Han Sol: 'Damn, this girl is really good!'

Seung Kwan: 'Wow, she's good. I wonder if she likes singing too?'

Ming Hao: 'Okay, damn. I wanna see more of her dancing skills. I'm sure she'll be best friends with at least the performance team.'

Min Gyu: 'Okay, she's good! I wonder what else she is good at?'

Seok Min: 'Alright, I wanna get to know her more. Only Cheol-Hyung knows more about her.'

Ji Hoon: 'Oh wow! I wanna be friends with her and see what else she is good at.'

(A/N: literally all of them have the same thoughts, but also some unique ones. Chan's one is the most important, in my opinion, + Ming Hao, Soon Young and Jun Hui.)

Won Woo: 'Ooh, she's good. Alright, now I kinda can understand why Cheol-Hyung would want to adopt.'

Soon Young:  'Okay, wow. She will fit right in, especially with the performance team.'

Jun Hui: 'I wonder what Ming Hao thought of her skills, I mean she's really good so I wouldn't be surprised if she became good friends with us'

Ji Soo: 'oh my! she's really good. I wanna know more about her, maybe if she is kinda mischievous she could join me and Jeong Han in the Ji Han-evil twin pair, heh'

Jeong Han: 'I couldn't be happier to adopt Su-Yong, well only if she wanted us to, but hoping that she will, I'll promise to myself, that I'll take good care of her, even if we are busy idols. Pledis was okay with this and had told us, if we were to adopt, our schedules would be made to fit all the needed stuff to take care of a minor.'

Seung Cheol: 'Now, I knew that Su-Yong liked to dance but I didn't know she'd be this good. Yurin had told me everything about Su-Yong, well the basics. She didn't inform me about how Su-Yong became an orphan, as she said: "I'm sure, Su-Yong will tell you guys, once she is comfortable with all of you, give it two or three weeks and you'll know'


I had just finished BOOMBOOM and when the music stopped completely I just dropped to the floor hearing two pairs of claps.

"O-oh, h-hey Yu-Yurin-Unnie," I panted. She smiled at me and gave me a water bottle. "谢谢 (Xièxiè)" I accidentally said in Chinese, and my eyes widened. (A/N: and so did Ming Hao's and Jun Hui's )

"Ming, it's okay, did you forget again that I speak Chinese??" Yurin-Unnie reassured me. I burst into a laughing fit upon my realization.

"Ah, but Su-Yong. There is something you need to know." Yurin-Unnie said and I immediately stopped laughing.

"You remember when Astro was here don't you? Well, you will get to meet your new adoptive family. Boys, you can come out now." I was perplexed as to whom Unnie was talking to, but then I saw Seung Cheol come from behind the curtains. My jaw dropped. 'SEVENTEEN IS GOING TO ADOPT ME!?!?!?' I screamed in my head.

"Hi, Su-Yong!" Cheol said and then as every one of his members came to my view they did their greeting. I was just staring, kinda zoning out, until Ming Hao said something:

"Su-Yong? Or Ming is it? Are you okay, you're kinda staring?"

That snapped me back to reality. I scrambled onto my feet and quickly bowed.

"Annyeonghaseyo, jeoneun Su-Yong-ibnida, Chinese name is Sun Ming and English name is Sofia Riley!" I said confidently, 'Wow when was I this confident??'

"So, Su-Yong, would you like us to adopt you?" Jeong Han asked me. I was screaming inside but kept my cool.

"Yes, that would make me probably the happiest girl in Korea," I said.

"Well, then Mr Choi I'll give you the papers to sign," Yurin-Unnie said. I finally lost my cool as I heard that, and I ran to my laptop, taking it with me and speeding out of the room, to my bedroom.


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How did you like the chapter! This was probably the longest chapter so far. But I really hope you liked it, and if you did please vote!

(Words: 1090, the longest so far)


Angel signed out!


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