Meeting you...

200 2 18


"Lee Yurin's orphanage, how may I help you?"

"Hi, this is Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx speaking, and I would like to..."



"...set an appointment for tomorrow."

"Oh! That sounds wonderful, what time are you wanting to come?" I asked Mr Choi.

"Is at one in the afternoon good? My members and I won't be able to come before that.

"Hmm, well. Su-Yong's homeschool day will end at two, so I guess you can come, but I'll have to sneak you in. How many are there of you?" I asked.

"There are thirteen of us if we're including me,"

"Wow, there's a lot of you guys, are you sure you will be able to take care of a fourteen-year-old girl?" I asked as I got a bit concerned.

"Oh, no worries, if my husband and I have been able to take care of eleven grown men, I don't think one girl will be a struggle at all." was the answer I got back. I was flabbergasted to know he had been raising eleven GROWN MEN.

"Alright then, I'll see you and your family? tomorrow." I said, (read family in a questioning manner)



*Yeh the stars are looking,

Straight down on us,

우주는 끝이 안 보여,

Yeh Ima build a rocket,

Ima build a rocket 구름 뚫어,

번지 launch it,

Yeh got me singing like*

I woke up do to my alarm playing ROCKET from seventeen. I got up from my bed and did my morning routine super fast, and put some comfortable clothes if I decided to dance later in the day.

*Knock knock*

"Come in!" I said as I was putting my socks on. Moon-Hee came inside my room, with my breakfast. She knew I would eat it in my room today, just like all Wednesdays. You see, ever since I was ten I have every Wednesday eaten my breakfast in my room, the reason is that I used to do that also with mama and baba. 'I miss u guys so much, saranghae, Wǒ ài nǐ'

"Yongie? Tae-Yun will be here soon, she's just stuck in morning traffic so she'll be a bit late. I suggest you take your Chinese, Korean, English and Japanese books out. She told me that you'll be having all languages today." Moon-Hee informed me.

"Ne, Unnie!" I said back.




You have one new message from, Mr Choi

I checked my phone and the notification said the following: *We are at the front gates.* So that meant Seventeen were here already. I put my shoes and jacket on, to go greet them.


2.19 pm

I had gotten Seventeen into the dance room so that I could go get Su-Yong. As I neared her room, I heard her singing to one of Seventeen's songs. 'Oh, how I'll miss her bubbly personality.'

I knocked on her door three times and opened the door right after. Su-Yong was standing in front of her easel and painting a picture that looked to be of Seventeen.

"Su-Yong? Are you able to come with me to the dance room? There is someone who would like to meet you," I said. She turned around and smiled.

"Of course, besides, this painting needs to dry a bit," she said bouncing to her desk and putting all her paint supplies away carefully.

"But Unnie? Why is the person in the dance room, and not in the living room?" she asked.

"Well, you can't fit thirteen people in the living room," I said, giving her a small clue on who it might be. And judging by her face she is oblivious.


Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked

So...Su-Yong is quite oblivious that she'll be meeting Seventeen in her dance room. I mean not every kpop group has 13 members. But bc I'm the author I can do whatever I want to do with my book.

Angel signed out!


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