At the studio

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"Hyung, she said she'll sit with us if you wanted to know," Junhui told Seungcheol.



I was just sat between my gē ges and they were talking in Mandarin, good thing I understood them, but judging by the others looks they didn't like about not understanding.

But before I could translate it to them, Appa parked the car. We all got out and went inside. I was looking around holding onto Chan's hand when I suddenly let go of his hand and got lost. I was in a very dimly lit part of the building and it was scary. And this being my first time there, I didn't know where my family was.

I was wandering around when I just stopped, sat down on the floor and started to silently cry into my knees whilst hugging Saurus.


I was walking a bit behind my hyungs, and keeping an eye on my little sister when something caught my eye and I wasn't paying attention to Su-Yong. My mistake, she let go of my hand. After getting to the studio, we just got to work straight away.

Then I realized, where was Su-Yong, she had been holding my hand and following me, but now she wasn't even in the room with us.

"Goddammit, fuck me, shit." I cursed and got the three oldest to glare at me. 'Whoops'

"One, we don't curse Chan, especially you, two, what is it that you need to curse?" Joshua-Hyung said. I just sheepishly smiled but also felt guilty.

"I-, promise you won't be mad at me," everyone nodded and I continued "Well, I have a feeling that we might've lost Su-Yong in the company," I said and prepared to get scolded. For five seconds it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Then the whole room became chaotic. (Jihoon: like it isn't chaos without losing someone. ME: shush, shortie! Jihoon: hey, I'm not the only one who's short, you're shorter than me! ME: true, but still, shush you)

Seungcheol-Hyung scrambled on his feet and I'm guessing ran to the security room, to look from the cameras. I went with Jeonghan-Hyung to look for her in the hallways, just like all the couples did. Jeonghan-Hyung was really worried and was also frantically trying to contact Nuest-Sunbaenims. If they could be of any help.


I was crying in the dimly lit hallway when I heard a boom outside. 'NONONO, please no, not thunder right now, anything but that.' I was now even more scared. Then the lights went completely out because the lighting hit something to cause a blackout. I was scared in the pitch-black darkness with only my stuffed dinosaur, and I didn't have any light as my phone ran out of power and the power bank I had was empty. "Baba? What was the riddle you always used to tell me, whenever I was scared?" I asked my dad, or rather from myself to see if I could calm down a bit.


The whole building shook and things fell over. I was close to some heavy-looking cardboard boxes when they fell down near me. I was really scared.

But then I felt this overwhelming feeling, of my Baba being beside me and trying to say to me the Chinese poem, that always calmed me down.

"My love for you is like the raging sea,

So powerful and deep it will forever be.

Through the storm, wind, and heavy rain,

It will withstand every pain." I said to myself but I then realised I had forgotten the second verse to it. But I still felt my Baba's presence and it made me remember the second verse.

"Come a little closer

Honey, come a little closer,

let me whisper in your ear.

Let me tell it to you softly,

So that no one else will hear, 

I love you," I finished the poem and I finally felt a tad bit calmer, though the situation still wasn't over.

Then I saw a flashlight at the end of the hallway and I felt a lot better.


I was walking with Chan and Cheol when we passed by the unused part of the building, which was supposed to go into construction soon. I paused for a second and shined the flashlight to there but I didn't see anything. I almost continued walking when I heard footsteps and soon the loud and scared shreak of "EOMMAA!" . Su-Yong's voice. I turned my flashlight back there and saw her running towards me. I quickly opened my arms and she ran into them, with me closing them tightly around her.

"Oh, how worried I was, how long were you here, and-. Oh, why is my aga crying?" I started to soothe her, while Seungcheol called everyone and told them, that Su-Yong was found.

"I- *Hiccup* The thunder is-*Hicc* scary!" she cried onto my shirt. I lifted her on my arms as we started to make our way back home. The recording could be done another day. I just needed to get Su-Yong home and some hot chocolate and blankets and a nice movie.

Angel signed in!

Hi there! How was today's chapter? Did it brighten your day, bc I hope it did! If you liked please do vote. ;)

Angel signed out!


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