Chapter 1

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My body feels frozen and still. As I watch Rick make his way to the shower I can't help but feel a wave of despair wash over me. I feel the tears fall down my cheeks, and I lift my hands to wipe them away. I want to get up and move, but I can't seem to make my body move. It's happening again. The coldness, the distance... I would be naieve not to recognize the signs. Things were going well for a while, and then they weren't. I can't stay silent and let this go. 

Forcing myself out of bed I make my way to the shower to join Rick. He turns to face me without a smile or a gleam in his eye. "Rick, I know there is someone else." Rick's body stiffens, and instead of apologizing he turns around and faces the wall. With his back to me he finally responds. 

"You haven't been mine for a long time, Em." 

His voice is stern, and without an ounce of regret. "What do you mean?" Right when I say it I feel reality settle deep inside me. The memories of my time with Brad had completely returned, and there was no denying that I didn't struggle with remembering that connection. I had never felt so much passion and desire in all my life. 

"You can't forget him... Don't deny it. While you've been off in your own little world I've had to make do. You think I can't feel the difference when we make love? That is if you can even call it that."

My heart is breaking! I feel as if my whole world is about to shatter. "This year has been hard for both of us, but you can't blame me for your affair. You chose to step out instead of talking to me and working through things together." Rick turns around with nothing but anger in his eyes.

"I will not share any part of you with another man. Not even your mind."

I start to hear myself laugh. "That's rich coming from you."

"Why didn't you put him in prison? He kidnapped you and you let him walk."

Thoughts of that day play in my mind. Now that my memories are all back I can't help but feel terrible. Brad had been there for me. Yeah, he was a little possessive in the end, but in his own strange way he thought he was protecting me. He was right. I did need protection. Here I am back in the same position I was a year ago. "He thought you tried to kill me. He was trying to protect me. I wasn't going to put him in jail for that. Besides, I chose you, and I still do! Doesn't that count for something?"

Rick slams his hand on the knob and causes the water to cease. Without a word he storms past me, dries himself with a towel, and then wraps it around his waist. 

"No, not anymore... Her name is Cindy, and I love her."

As he walks away from me. I can't help but feel like he's walking away from our relationship. Tears fall heavy down my face, and my cold, wet naked body starts to shiver uncontrolably. Wrapping my arms around my body I allow myself to fall to the tiled floor. I hold my body tight trying to give it the embrace it desperately needs. He loves her!!! Was all the time and work I've put toward this relationship all for nothing? 

After what seems like hours, and with some control of my emotions I force myself to standing position and grab my white robe. Securing it tightly around my body I make my way down to the living room. "Alexa, play some music!" 

Music begins to sound throughout the house. Knowing I'm alone and closing my eyes I allow the music to pulse through my body. My hips begin to sway and before I know it my whole body is flowing with the music. An image of Brad's arms around me and his lustful gaze come to my mind. Normally I would push them away, but this time I allow myself to feel. To really embrace the memory. I imagine his touch on my skin as he maneuvered my body around the room. I picture his mouth, and the way his lips felt on mine. The passion that burned between us as he trailed his lips down my neck and body.

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