Chapter 12

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I open my eyes to see my Mom shocked, and staring at Brad and I. Both of us naked under the sheets, and his arms wrapped around me tight. He's still asleep, and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I can't believe we fell asleep. "Good morning, Mom!" I try to sound confident, when really I want to bury my head under the covers and never come up.

"Can I speak with you for a moment?"

Nervous, and a little frightened I nod my head. "Sure, just give me a minute to get dressed." Turning on her heals I watch her walk out, and shut the door. I turn my eyes back to see a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. "What the... have you been awake this whole time?" Brad smiles a cocky grin, and then lifts himself up onto his side, resting on his elbow. With his jaw in the palm of his hand he looks absolutely perfect.

"There was no way I was going to face your Mom."

Throwing a pillow at his face, I stand up and walk to the closet. Slipping on my robe, I send him a death glare. "You were suppose to leave before my parents woke up." Brad laughs.

"I got lost in the moment, and I'm sorry, but I don't regret any moment spent with you."

Staring at him, I realize I've lost my train of thought. He makes it so hard to stay mad at him. "Listen, I will be right back to continue this conversation." Turning my back to him, I leave the room. My Mom is leaning against the wall. When she sees me she begins laughing. Shocked, and confused I stare.

"Really Emily, What are you 16? You're an adult, and can make your own choices. You think I care that you have Brad over?"

Surprised, I stand silent. This is so weird! Never in a million years did I think my parents would catch me with a man in my bed.

"Look, next time, just let us know he's here so I don't walk in on something I shouldn't."

I nod my head, and still remain silent.

"Oh, and let him know he's welcome to stay for breakfast."

After nodding one more time, she begins laughing again, and then turning on her heels I watch her make her way down the stairs. Shocked, I take a deep breath, and go back into my room. "Well, that went a lot better than expected." Brad looks at me from the bed with lifted eyebrows.

"What were you so worried about? Your parents love me!"

I slowly start to relax. "They really do! I told my Mom about us last night. She was happy for me, but still let's not let this happen again." Brad smiles.

"No problem! Now, come back to bed so I can earn your forgiveness."

Untying my robe, I let it fall to the floor before joining Brad in bed. His arms wrap around me tight, and the heat radiating off his body feels warm against my shivering body.

"You're shivering?"

"Yeah, I feel cold all of a sudden." Brad smirks at me before releasing me and pulling the covers up over our heads. He begins kissing down my body, and when his mouth reaches my most sensitive spot he bites gently. He then dances his tongue around massaging, and teasing! My breath quickens, and I place my hands on his head pressing down. I want more! My hips arch up in pleasure as Brad's tongue moves at a faster pace. Every once in a while he throws in a bite that makes me flinch, but elevates my arousal.

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