Chapter 9

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When I arrive home, the house is quiet, and dark. Tiptoeing upstairs, I try to keep myself quiet. Slowly I crack the door open, and peek my head inside. The city lights from the window give me a clear view of the bed. Letting out a breath I've been holding. I feel myself relax as I see the bed still perfectly made without disturbance. Turning on the light, I make my way into the bathroom. After washing my face, brushing my teeth, and running a brush through my hair, I slip into a loose comfy t-shirt. Sliding into bed I replay the last few hours in my mind. A smile forms on my lips, and I close my eyes hoping to dream of the deep blue eyes that have consumed my thoughts.

The sound of a door slamming wakes me from my sleep. My eyes fly open, and I lay in silence to see if it's my imagination. More thumping echos throughout the house. Jumping quickly out of bed I throw on my white robe, and walk over to the safe. Pulling out a revolver with shaking hands, I slowly make my way over to the door. Quietly, I open the door and hesitantly walk over to the stair case. Peeking my head around the corner I see a black silhouette digging around inside a kitchen drawer. With my back to the wall, and out of sight I begin to shout. "Who ever you are... I have a gun. If you don't leave now, I will call the police." A few moments of silence pass.

"Em, you're home?"

Relief washes over me, and I let my hands fall to my sides. "Rick! I'm so glad it's you! I'll be right down." Racing over to the safe, I place the revolver back in it's spot, and quickly lock it. Sprinting downstairs I turn on the kitchen light, and see Rick hunched over the kitchen counter. Devastation is written all over his face. "Are you okay?" Rick does t turn to look at me. Just keeps his head down staring at the counter.

"Why didn't you answer your phone? I didn't think you were home."

Ignoring his question my eyes scan over him. In his hand is an almost empty bottle of Vodka. "You've been drinking! Here, let me get you some water." As I walk over to the sink, Rick stays glued to his spot at the counter. I fill a glass with cool water, and then place it in front of him.

"I've fucked everything up."

His statement throws me off guard, and not knowing what to say... I stay silent. I few minutes pass before Rick continues.

"I've ended things with Cindy. I tried calling you earlier to let you know. I know I don't deserve you, but I just can't let you go. Marrying you is the one thing I've done right."

A feeling of empathy falls over me. "You and I were great together for a time, but people change. I've changed. I'm not the same person you married, and you certainly aren't the same person I married. Don't you see... it's time to let go." Rick's body stiffens. He turns to me with anger in his eyes.

"I don't want to let go. Don't you get it!!! Without you I will drown in darkness. This addiction will consume me."

I stare at him with confidence. "It's already consuming you with, or without me." Grabbing the bottle in his hand I hold it up for him to look at it. "Look at you! This is what our marriage has come to." Rick looks at it with heavy eyes. He reaches his hand to grab it, but I walk it over to the sink, and dump it down the drain. Rick doesn't fight it, and the anger falls from his face. In it's place a look of hope appears.

"Just as easy as it was to break, our marriage can be built back up to what it use to be."

Walking over to him I reach my hand around his waist. "Here, let me help you sit down." I assist him to the couch, and then take a seat beside him. "I believe you when you say marriage can be built back up, but it will never be what it use to be. When we were first married I was naive, and blind to the truth. I was living in a fairy tale. You and I both have grown apart. Things will never be what they use to be. As for building our marriage back up... we could choose to work through this, but it wouldn't be long before it's broke back down, and each time it falls, it's harder to get back up. Trust, and respect no longer exist. You and I both deserve better. You want a fresh start... start with yourself, but please if you love me at all, please let me go." Rick begins to sob.
I wrap my arms around him, and hold him close.

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