Chapter 11

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After my phone call with Brad I decide to face the fears that await me downstairs. Taking a few deep breaths, I force my numb legs to carry me down stairs to confront my parents. When I enter the family room I see my Mother sitting in her rocking chair, and staring at the fireplace. Dad is waiting at the table with a game of chess set out in front of him. Both look deep in thought. Clearing my throat to break up the silence, they both turn their attention towards me. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I had a couple phone calls to make." Both stare at me with hurt in their eyes. My Father is the first to speak.

"I'm sure it's been a long day... would you be up for a game of chess?"

Grateful that they aren't suggesting I talk about my feelings, and knowing that they are trying to connect, I give him a small smile. "I would love to... are you prepared to lose?" Dad smiles at me, and raises an eyebrow.

"What are we betting?"

Walking over, I pull out a chair across from him, and take a seat. Folding my arms in front of me, and resting them on the table, I stare challenging him with my eyes. "How bout a milk shake at Denny's? If I win you buy, if you win I buy." Dad gets a big grin on his face, and a sparkle in his eye.


Placing his hand over a pawn he begins to take his first move. As I'm contemplating my strategy, Mom asks if we would like a glass of wine. I let her know I would love some, and then bring my attention back to the game. Chess was always our bridge to forgiveness whenever we had an argument. It was the only game he would play with me growing up. It was also his way of getting what he wanted. If the argument was to stay out past curfew, he would suggest a game of chess. If I lost, curfew remained the same. If I won, I got to choose the curfew. Sad thing is, rarely did I win. Sophomore year of high school I was asked out by a boy named Mat Lee. He was a boy I had been crushing on for years. When I brought up the exciting encounter to my Dad, he decided to challenge me to a game of chess. If I won I got to go, but if he won he would let me go on one condition...That he got to chaperone. It was the most intense game we had ever played. It was also my first win!!! With his pride/ego hurt he stuck true to his word, and let me go. When I left the house he was pacing the floor, and when I got home he was still pacing the floor.

Mat Lee was my first kiss, and my first boyfriend. It lasted a month. When I came home crying from school, my Dad was the one to hold me, and let me know that there would be many more frogs before I found my prince. He told me boys in high school were immature, and that it would be better to wait till collage. Which, is exactly what I did, only to find, that boys in collage were worse. It was a hard lesson to learn, but it was an experience that kept me focused on my studies.

A feeling of gratitude falls over me at the memory, and then feelings of forgiveness start to take root. My parents weren't perfect, but I know they did the best they could. As my Dad, and I continue to play the game my Mom places a small glass of Rosato, and a few slices of goat cheese in front of me. Saying thank you I take a sip, and a bite of cheese. Savoring the flavor, I close my eyes as memories of similar moments come to mind. "Mmm... Mom this is delicious!"

"It should, it's from France!"

My parents just came back from France celebrating their thirtieth anniversary a few months ago. Their relationship is something I have always looked up to. They have always been faithful, and supportive to each other. I imagine that's why I always dreamed my marriage would have been the same way. Thoughts of my marriage bring thoughts of Rick. Thoughts of his smile, and charm. Tears start to build up in my eyes, and before I know it my emotions start pouring out. Gasping for air, my Mom comes wrapping her arms around me, embracing me in a comforting hug.

"Sweetie, it's all going to be okay."

I start shaking my head. Unable to hold things in, I stand from my seat. "How can you say things will be okay? Rick is dead! I will never get the chance to make things right." My Mother looks shocked at my outburst.

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