Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Turning it off, I look to my left to see Brad still asleep. After kissing his lips gently, I quietly slide out of bed.  Throwing on some jeans, and a burgundy blouse I tiptoe to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and comb my hair.  Hurriedly, I slip on some black pointed shoes, and rush out of the hotel. I flag down a cab, and head toward the bank. I sure hope I make it in time. My legs feel like jelly, and my feet continuously bounce up and down. The minute the cab pulls up to the bank. I feel myself bolt up from my seat, and race inside to a lady named Susan with red wavy hair. I explain to her that I would like to close out my account. She asks for my information, and when I give it to her a look of confusion crosses her face.

"Mrs. Winters, it says here that you closed out fifteen minutes ago." Feeling as if I'm going to faint, I thank Susan, and slowly walk over to a cushioned seat. I feel myself fall onto it, and place my head in between my knees. Breathing deep, I try to contain the overwhelming despair that flows through me. My phone starts to ring, and I see that it's Brad calling. My voice is shaking making it hard to say much. "Hey!"

"So... it was kind of lonely waking up without you."

The sound of his voice brings a smile to my face, and a calmness throughout my body. "I'm sorry, I needed to get to the bank first thing. I'm on my way back now though."

"I see... I actually have to leave. Practice starts in twenty minutes, but let's meet up later."

Feeling sad that I won't see him, I feel a tear slide down my cheek. This day is off to a terrible start! "Okay, well.... I'm sorry I missed you! Ill see you later then." My voice came up a little more choked up than intended.

"Em, are you okay? You sound off."

"Im fine!" I lie. "I'll see you later. I've got to go." Not wanting anymore confrontation about my situation I hang up before Brad can reply. Digging in my purse I pull out the napkin with Allan Price's phone number. Dialing in the number, I wait for someone to pick up. His receptionist answers, and I schedule a meeting for today at one. Knowing I can't afford to stay at the hotel with the little cash I have, I make a quick phone call to my Dad. 

"Hello, sweetheart!"

His voice sounds exhausted "Good morning Dad, I was hoping it would be alright if I came home to visit for a few days." Dad is quiet for a moment.

"Now's really not a good time. I'm under investigation, and I really don't want you to get involved."

My heart feels as if it's stopped. Rick's, really wasting no time. "Dad, I'm so sorry! I'm sure it's all just a misunderstanding."

"Enough about me. Are you alright?"

Desperately I want to tell him, but I know that if I say anything Rick will ruin his life. "I'm doing good, Dad. Just missing you!"

"We miss you too! I'll call you later this evening."

"Ok, thanks Dad. Love you!"

"Love you too, sweetheart!"

Ending the call I contemplate what I should do. Rick has won. I have no other option but to call him. I can't allow him to destroy my Dad's life. Shakily I unblock his number, and then make the call.

"Em! I take it you've received my messages."

His tone sounds confident. He knows he's won. "I've received them loud and clear. What will it take to drop the investigation on my Father?" Rick starts to laugh.

"I told you what I would do if you tried to leave. Did you think I was joking? It's not too late though. All you have to do is come home and do as I tell you."

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