Chapter 14

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The next morning I wake up filled with hope. The night before I had created a plan, a plan that would involve me no longer avoiding Stacey. A smile lights my face, and after roll call, I make my way outside to the track. Stacey has always been an amazing runner! When I see her, I pick up my pace to run beside her. When she turns her head to look at me, she flashed me a big smile.

"Em, I've been looking everywhere for you. This whole time, I thought it was Brad that killed Rick... I underestimated you!"

Trying not to reveal how angry I feel, I do my best to stay calm. "Stacey, I didn't kill Rick." Stacey laughs loud, and stops to catch her breath.

"Well, then why would you say you did?"

"It's complicated! I was protecting someone. Anyways, none of that matters at least here I have you." Spanking my ass, Stacey responds.

"You bet your ass you do, now race me for old times sake!"

Picking up my pace, I race her around the track. As always she wins, and drenched in sweat we begin cooling down by walking side by side. "I'm sorry for avoiding you the past few days. It's been hard to adjust to the new surroundings. I'm sure you understand." Stacey stops. Mixed emotions fall over her expression, and I could swear anger was one of them. Just as soon as I saw it, it shifts into a look of contentment.

"You'll get use to it. Now if you don't mind, I feel like punching something."

I watch as Stacey makes her way over to the punching bag. Her punches are strong and quick. I can't help but feel those punches are meant for me. Turning my back, and walking away, I decide that that's enough interaction for one day.

At breakfast Stacey still seems to be avoiding me, and I decide to give her the space she desires. I sit by myself, and try to keep my head down. I don't want bring attention to myself by looking at someone the wrong way.

"Are you Emily Winters?"

Her voice is deep. When I look up, I see a tall masculine women with piercings all over her face. Her head is shaved, and when I nod my head in response, all I feel is a fist to my nose, and my body flying to the ground.

"Welcome to prison, Bitch!"

Without lifting my eyes, I lift my left hand to my bleeding nose, and shakily feel for my seat. Once I find it, I lift myself up to finish my meal. Making a quick glance at Stacey, I see a small smirk on her lips. Instantly, I assume she's the one responsible for this terrible welcome. Standing from my seat I make my way over to her. Her stare is cold and threatening. "What the Hell, Stacey! What was that?" With her arms folded across her chest, and a smug look on her face she stands up from her seat.

"You really thought we were friends? You ruined my life, Em! Now, I'm going to make sure to ruin yours."

In that moment I really wanted to tell her my suspicions, but knew it would be best for her to think I suspected nothing. I couldn't have her tip off her partner. As much as I hated the idea of pointing the blame onto someone else. I knew it's what I needed to do. "You think I ruined your life? Lets place the blame where it truly belongs. Everything that's happened is because of Rick. I tried to leave him, but he blackmailed me to stay with him. Don't you see... it wasn't me that couldn't let go. It was him." Stacey stands speechless, and then a gleam of hatred flares in her eyes.

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