Chapter 4

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That night, sleep wouldn't come. The stresses of the day keep running through my mind. Rick knew exactly how to hurt me, and he did just that. I feel so used, and unbelievably gullible. He actually got me thinking that he might still love me... That he might still care, but the truth is Rick doesn't love anyone except himself.

I lay there forever trying to come up with a plan. For so many years I've been fighting to save my marriage. Now, I'm fighting to end it. Rick would continue to hurt me. Of this I was sure. One thing I know, is that as long as I am in this house I am not safe. Turning my head to the clock I see that it's five AM. Pushing the covers aside I quickly make the bed, and then pull my suit case off the top shelf of the closet. Working at a quick pace I pack it full, and zip it shut. Once downstairs I take a quick glance around. "Goodbye Rick!" With that statement I open the door, walk out, and don't look back.

Once at the office, I set the suitcase down against the back wall and begin working. Hours pass, when my phone dings. Picking it up I see that it's a message from Brad.

"Hey, I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. I would rather be your friend than nothing at all."

A smile pulls on my lips. "Thank you! That means a lot to me. I actually could use your help with something. Would you meet up with me for lunch. Costa Vida, at Noon?" 

"I'll meet you there."

Excitement runs through me, and I make my best attempt to push it away. Friends... That's the way it has to be. No matter the attraction I feel for Brad, Rick and I are still married. I can't allow myself to become like him.

Noon comes around quickly. As I enter Costa Vida I see that Brad has already arrived. He waves me over, and I take a seat across from him. Things feel a little awkward with how we left things last night. Looking at him, I observe how tired he looks. Perhaps he didn't sleep all too well either. To break the silence I ask him if he ordered already. He tells me he hasn't, and we both walk over to get in line. Brad orders a massive steak burrito, and I order a chicken salad.

As we eat, I start to make conversation. "I want to start out by saying that I truly appreciate your willingness to stay friends." Brad smirks.

"Im not promising anything, but I will give it my best shot. The shirt you're wearing right now isn't helping."

I look down at my white blouse. I didn't even realize that it was slightly see through. I feel my cheeks heat up. Folding my arms across my chest I try to cover myself. Brad starts to laugh.

"Oh, come on... it's nothing I haven't seen before."

Forgetting it entirely I drop my arms to my sides and look back to Brad. "Anyways, I need to know if you know a good lawyer. Someone better than Rick." Brad looks shocked, confused, and then curious.

"Why do you need a lawyer?"

I contemplate telling him about Rick, but then decide against it. "It's personal! I'm still not ready..." Brad slams his hand down on the table.

"It's Rick, what has he done to you? If he's hurt you I will kill him."

I want to laugh at how dramatic he is being. It's sweet, really. "No, it's nothing like that. Please don't worry. Everything will be fine, but I do need a good lawyer. So if you know anyone that can help, please let me know." Brad stares at me with concern in his eyes.

"I know of one. Here, just a minute..."

Brad starts writing on a napkin. After handing it to me, my eyes scan the name and number. Allen Price. Tears of hope fill my eyes.  I might have a chance to get out of this mess. Jumping up from my seat, I run over to Brad and wrap my arms around him for a tight hug. "Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me." Brad encircles his arms around my waist and squeezes back. We stay that way for a while, and a part of me wishes I could stay in his arms forever. Eventually we pull a part, and I can tell Brad feels the same way. There's a look in his expression that I have never seen before. The lust seems to have faded, and in its place is a look of deep understanding and compassion.

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