Chapter 7

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Taking my third glass of wine from the passing tray, I bring it to my lips. Just as I'm about to have a sip Rick is whispering in my ear.

"I think you've had enough to drink."

Glaring at him I down the wine. Rick looks upset, and knowing he won't make a scene I take a few steps toward my fourth glass.

"Don't make me punish you later."

Not wanting to let him control me, I ignore him and keep on walking. I can feel Rick's eyes on me as I reach for the glass. Just as I'm about to grab the goblet, I see my reflection through the glass. I don't even recognize myself. A sadness falls over me and with it my hand. Walking away from the wine, I stumble over to the water dispenser. I look back over to Rick, and see he is smiling at me in approval. Searching the crowd, I search for Brad. The blonde hasn't left his side all evening. I've had to watch as she throws herself at him, and from the looks of it Brad doesn't mind.

My eyes finally find him. He's laughing at something the blonde says. Looking back over to Rick, and seeing that he is busy talking with someone, I stumble my way over to Brad. It doesn't take long before his eyes find mine. A small smirk appears on his face, and I feel as if he's been playing games with me all night. Once I reach them, I hold out my hand to the blonde. "Hello, I'm Emily, a friend of Brad. What's your name?" The blonde shakes my hand.

"Oh, hi! My name's Tracey."

Smiling I try to hold it together. "It"s lovely to meet you." I shift my gaze back to Brad. "Do you mind if I speak with you alone please?" Brad has that annoying smirk on his face once again, but then turns to Tracey.

"Would you mind giving us a moment please?"

Tracey looks reluctant, but then turns on her heels and walks away. Pulling me out of my thoughts Brad starts to speak.

"You've been drinking quite a bit tonight. Something or someone bothering you?"

Brad is smiling a cocky smile. As if he doesn't already know! My eyes search his deep blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. "Tracey Hugh? It didn't take you long to find someone else." The humor vanishes from his eyes.

"Only the same amount of time it took you to change your mind, and run back to Rick."

Before I have a chance to respond, Rick is by my side. Brad doesn't look away. He's waiting for an explanation that I can't give. Knowing the discussion is over, I smile at Brad. "It was good of you to introduce Tracey. She seems like a lovely girl. I'm happy for you both." Hurt flashes in Brad's eyes, but only for a second.

"She is amazing! She's very open, and honest with how she feels."

It's my turn to feel hurt. Smiling, I allow Rick to pull me away, but not before taking a quick glance back. Brad catches my eye, and I hope he can tell that my feelings for him haven't changed.

"Nice to see that Brad has moved on. Perhaps it's time you do the same."

I freeze in my steps. "What do you mean?" Rick looks at me with an intense look.

"Don't hold onto someone you can never have. I am the man you chose. Our marriage needs to be your priority."

Anger hits like a brick to the head. "Are you actually talking to me about marriage and priorities while you are off fucking Cindy?" My voice comes out a little louder than intended. Rick looks around to make sure no one overheard before grabbing me by the forearm, and leading me out into the gardens. When we are alone,  Rick seems comfortable enough to speak.

"Cindy would have never happened had you been 100% present with me, and not off day dreaming about another man."

He really wants to do this here and now? I knew I needed to say something to keep him away from Brad. "You're right! I'm sorry! I never should have let Brad into my heart. It was a mistake, but clearly Brad has moved on so you don't have to worry about that anymore." Right as I say it I see a shocked Brad behind Rick's shoulder. He looks pissed, and hurt. Our eyes connect. I want to take it back, but I can't. Not in front of Rick. Brad turns around storming back inside the building. My heart feels broken. Brad was the one thing going good in my life, and now I've screwed it up. Problem is that I'm not sure if it's wiser to go after what I want, or to protect the person I want. At this moment I choose to protect. Allen was right! I don't know Rick, or what he's capable of. Rick cannot know about Brad and I. Knowing that I've made my choice, I press my lips to Ricks and kiss to convince him that I'm his 100%. When I pull away from Rick, a smile appears, and he pulls me in tight to his chest.

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