Chapter 5

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The night is alive, and the city is awake. Brad, and I enter a cab, and he covers my ears as he gives the driver the location we are headed to. "What, I can't know where we're going?" Brad smirks!

"Sometimes it's better to be surprised. Keeps life exciting!"

I laugh at the irony of it all. Lately I could use a little less surprise, but with Brad, I welcome it. Brad pulls out a handkerchief, and goes to tie it over my eyes. Panic escalates, and I instinctively push it away. "No...Please no!" My body starts to shake at the memory of last night with Rick, and to the time of being tied up in Brad's basement. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin your plans. It was a thoughtful gesture. I just don't do well with blind folds." Brad stares at me for a moment with concern written on his face.

"Alright, no big deal! I would never want to do anything that you aren't comfortable with."

His understanding words make me smile. Things feel a little awkward for a couple minutes after, and to thin the air I bring my lips to his ear. "You can be my distraction."  Pulling him in close I press my lips to his. Brad instantly responds by deepening the kiss. I allow the passion to consume me. His hand skims the base of my t-shirt before sliding underneath. The feel of his hand lightly brushing against my skin intensifies the burning sensation in my stomach, and when his hand finds its way to my aching breast, I let out a moan of pleasure.

The cab stops, signaling to us that we have arrived. When I turn my head to look, Brad's hands fall over my eyes blocking my sight.

"Sorry, it"s not time yet." Brad guides me out of the cab and we start walking. His hands are warm, and his close proximity makes me feel safe and secure.

"Okay, I'm going to open a door. Do you promise to keep your eyes closed?"

I nod my head. "I promise!" I feel his hands leave, and then his hands find my shoulders, and guide me inside the building. Latin music is playing, and instantly I smile. I'm so excited, my nerves are bouncing with joy. Brad starts to whisper in my ear...

"You can look now."

Opening my eyes, I see beautiful woman dressed in beautiful dancing dresses. The men that are swinging them around look just as dashing. The way their bodies move together is mesmerizing. A kind lady by the name of Angelica, welcomes us. Brad let's her know that we have reservations. Angelica leads us to a small table built for two, and we take our seats. My eyes bounce back to the dancers, and I can't seem to look away. Finally, I turn my head back to Brad? "What is this place? These dancers are incredible!" Brad smiles at me and takes my hands in his. The image of the elderly couple at the Diner come to mind, and all of a sudden I feel deeply connected to Brad.

"This is the Brooklyn Dancesport Club. They have the best community of high level latin dancers in the city, and are coached by the famous Eugene and Maria. They travel to competitions together across the East Coast, everyone helping each other out, and cheering each other on. The have a history of training amazing Latin dancers, and lots of them. They offer Open-Level workshops every week, in addition to Championship-Level workshops for only the best of the best. Tonight they are having a dance off. All the guests here paid for a spot to watch, and all the profit goes to the winner."

I look back and continue to watch with interest. Without looking at Brad I respond. "I want to do this..." Brad laughs!

"I was hoping you'd say that... because I need a partner."

Looking back over to him, my eyes go big, and my mouth falls open. "You're taking lessons?" Brad smiles a big smile, and nods.

"First lesson is this Monday at 9 AM."

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