Chapter 13

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"Mam, are you alright? Can you hear me?"

My eyes flutter open to see a police officer huddled over me. My head is throbbing, and when I try to lift it, everything is blurry. Glancing around I remember where I am, and then the previous events start playing in my mind. In a panic, I begin to stand. The officer grabs my hand to assist. "I'm sorry! Can you tell me what happened?"

"You fainted. Would you like us to call 911? You might have a concussion."

Instantly, I shake my head. "No, I need to get going. Thank you for your help." The man looks uncertain, and hesitant to let me go.

"Are you sure? You hit your head pretty hard."

"I'll be fine! Thank you! Please don't worry!" Once the words are out of my mouth I force my legs to carry me out of the prison. I tell the cab driver to drive me to the closest bank. I need to empty my account.

I already know I can't go home. The police will be looking for me. As far as I see it, if Cindy did murder Rick... she clearly did it out of heartbreak, and then took her own life while framing me. Why would she do that? To get revenge on me for Rick choosing me over her? The thought is ridiculous, but Stacey trying to kill me for Rick was crazy as well. There is no rational thinking when it comes to psychopaths. If Cindy is the murderer she is now dead, and I will take the fall.

Option number two... Brad killed Rick, and then hired someone to seal the deal at the hospital. If this was the case, why would he want to frame me? He wouldn't! Plus he was with me all morning. Cindy's death would have had to be someone else entirely, making it two murder cases with different killers. This doesn't seem likely. Most likely, Brad is innocent, but there's no way of knowing for sure.

Option number three... someone else is framing me for reasons I don't understand. This is where I'm in the dark. If it's someone else I have no lead.

Out of the three, Cindy seems to be the most logical killer, which means if I stay... I go to jail. She has won! Unless, I have an alibi for the time she was murdered. If I can stay low for a while, and get the details of her murder, it's possible I could have proof that it wasn't me who killed her.

The cab pulls up to the bank, and I'm about to get out when a thought occurs to me. If I run, it makes me look guilty. I can't do it. I have to face this! I have to convince them that I am innocent!

Changing my mind, I have the cab driver take me to my parents. When we arrive, there are police outside waiting. I knew they would be. Tears fill my eyes. All I feel is fear! What if my life is over? What if I can't prove my innocence? The thought alone drives me into deep despair! The minute I am out of the cab, the police arrest me. My parents are outside the door upset, and screaming. I take one last glance at my parents to let them know I love them.

At the station they question me. Apparently Cindy was murdered the previous night. Relief floods inside me. When I explain to them that I was with my parents all night the police call to verify. Even with my alibi coming clean they look at me with doubt.

"Unfortunately all the evidence points to you, and your parents could be lying. We are going to need more proof."

All of a sudden an idea pops into my mind. "We have cameras... you can see for yourself" The police look at each other, and then back at me. They decide to keep me under custody until they verify my alibi. Placing me in a temporary cell, I remain calm knowing that I will be able to leave soon. A few hours later they bring me back in for questioning.

"Your alibi came clean. Do you have any idea who may have wanted to frame you?"

I tell them of my suspicions of Cindy. They write down my suspicions, and then with a straight face glance back up at me.

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