Chapter 3

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That afternoon after work I rush home and change. I throw on some white shorts and a navy blue tank top with high top sandals. Then I pull my hair out of it's bun and brush it into a high pony tail. I wish I could dress like this at work. Looking at my watch I see that it's almost four. Quickly I brush my teeth, grab my wallet, and make my exit. I really don't want to run into Rick. What a controlling, and manipulative Ass. I am Angry. More than angry. I despise him. I cannot let him control me.

The traffic is crazy, and my excitement builds with the thought of seeing Brad play. My legs start to bounce up and down in a nervous vibration. I look down at my fingers and see my wedding ring. Biting my lip, I twirl the ring on my finger. I contemplate my relationship with Rick. The good, and the bad times. Then I think of the person he is now. Anger and hurt rise again inside me. Slipping the ring off my finger, I place it into my purse. I look up to see the cab driver watching me through the rearview mirror. For some unknown reason I feel the need to explain. Maybe I'm afraid of being judged, maybe it's a need to talk to someone, or maybe a little bit of both. "My husband is in love with another woman, and possibly I'm starting to fall for someone else too. It just feels like a lie wearing it anymore." The cab driver takes a minute before responding.

"We are all human, and emotions can make us do crazy things. I'm sure your husband will wake up one day full of regret for the choices he has made, or maybe he won't... Just make sure whatever choices you make won't leave you with feelings of guilt and regret. In the end you are the one you have to live with everyday for the rest of your life."

His words play in my mind. He's right, and as uncomfortable as it may be I know I can't allow myself to stoop to Rick's level. I have to be strong, to push through, and show him that he can't break me. He is miserable, and he just wants to make me feel the same way. I smile at the driver. "Thank you! I really needed to hear that." He smiles back.

"Of course! We all need someone to talk to when going through hard times."

Once at the stadium I pay him a generous tip, and make my way towards the ticket stand. A little boy and his dad are standing in front of me. The boy looks to be about the age of seven, and is so excited to be at a professional game. I watch the interaction between the two. The bond between them is beautiful. The Dad is telling football jokes, and the boy is full of laughter and excitement.

"Dad do you think I will have the chance to meet Brad Saunters? He's my favorite!"

Right when I hear Brad's name I can't help but interrupt. "Hi, my name is Emily. I couldn't help but over hear..." I kneel down to eye level with the boy. "Brad Saunters is a very good friend of mine. I would love to introduce the two of you. I could even help you get his autograph." The boys eyes go wide.

"Really!!!" He looks over to his Dad. "Please Dad, can I meet him?" His Dad laughs!

"If it's not too much trouble we would really appreciate it."

Sending him a smile and looking back down to the boy I let them know that it's not a problem at all. I ask for their number and tell them I will call them after the game to meet up. The Dad mouths a thank you and then when its their turn to get their tickets they show the ticket booth their reservations and the man sends them on their way.

Stepping up to the booth, I give the man my name and ID, and let him know that I have a reservation. After a few minutes he hands me my ticket, stamps my hand, and allows me to continue. It is so crowded I find myself bumping into people from all angles. I cling tight to my purse, and make my way through the crowd to my seat. My phone starts to ring. Ignoring the call I keep pushing through the crowd. It would be a disaster trying to answer a call with all this ruckus. Finally I make it to my seat. The field looks huge, and being in the front row makes me feel a little anxious. I feel like the spot light is on me. When I look behind me it feels like the rows of people continue on forever. A man selling popcorn and drinks starts to walk by. I flag him down. Give him some cash for some popcorn, and a bottled water.

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