Sirzech vs bastion

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Bastion: well then I think it's time I show my true self since soon enough I'll have a strong enough opponent and not to mention I will be killing you all. Rrrroooooaaaaar!

Power level: 2,767,890,973,214,321

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Power level: 2,767,890,973,214,321

Issei: alright le.....

Issei: alright le

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Power level:????

Sirzech: no I'll be the one to fight him he's to much for you all anyway. Michael get them out of here it's to dangerous now

Rias: we can't just leave you here

Sirzech: rias listen despite everything that's happened so far his teammates deaths, his enemies joining forces, and Alex's power alongside the three factions leaders he has continued to laugh it off and assured us his victory is certain which means he has something planned and it's not here

Azazel: that would explain a lot actually especially why Alex's presence seems to be going in another direction meaning he sensed the real threat

Sirzech: exactly he must be going to stop it and he'll need help So go

Rias: alright but make sure you win

Sirzech: I will

( now with only sirzech and bastion left to fight one on one bastion charges forward and unleashes powerful slashes followed by huge blast of of energy with sirzech having not moved yet)

Bastion: well that was fun to bad it had to end so quickly but I didn't think yo......

( as the smoke cleared a dark demonic energy surrounded sirzech as he prepares an attack of his own)

Bastion: but how are you unscathed by my attacks? I should have at least done something to you

Sirzech: you are strong there's no denying that but the being of this world are of another class compared to you but I hope all this was well worth it for now get out of my sight

Bastion: nnn......nnnnoooooooo!

( within seconds bastion was reduced to dust )

Sirzech: well that's the last one.....hmm maybe not .........

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