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*kou academy*

???: so this is where you've been........Alex

* the next day*


Kiba: something wrong issei ?

Issei: nah just thinking

Kiba: about Alex again?

Issei: yeah it's been a whole year and we haven't heard from him once

Kiba: he is training so he probably wants to focus on it as much as possible

Issei: I get that but we were like family I would think at least one letter wouldn't be to much to ask for

( no sooner did issei say that Asia ran into the room with an envelope)

Asia: ...huff.....huff.....I.....got....this letter from......Alex

Kiba and issei: really!

( they opened the letter and it read)

Dear occult research club,

I know I haven't been in touch in awhile but I haven't forgotten you guys and I'm planning to be back in three months by then I will be stronger then ever so wait till then guys see you all soon...............................,.....................,.........


Issei:.......hmmm so he's actually coming back....



Everyone: oh yeah!

(Later that day)

Azazel: hmm so that explains a lot but tell why did you decide to approach me?

Azazel: hmm so that explains a lot but tell why did you decide to approach me?

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Power level: 160,000

???: well it's cause I tell your strong

Azazel: I'll humor kid so let's do this

( 5 minutes later)

???: ......huff.......huff........huff......son of a.......ahhhhh!


Azazel: face facts kid your no where near my level and by the looks of it your no where near Alex's level

???: bastard!

( as this mysterious young man continues his assault on azazel to no avail he is sent back again and again)

Azazel: you got a name kid?

???: it's rei and you better remember it cause I'm gonna be the one to kill you

Azazel: alright kid or rei I'll help with that idea but first there's some people I want you to meet

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