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Alex: you want me to what?

Mia: I already told you. I want you stab me with that dark wing sword

Alex: why?

Mia: huh.....because it's demonic in nature so it's stabbing me may reawaken my devil trigger and even if it doesn't I'll heal so no loss really

Alex: I don't know about this sounds to risky even with your explanation

Mia: just do it!

( with that Alex thrust the sword into her causing her to scream in agony but then as her body seemed limp she began to have a massive of energy surge through her and it happens)

( with that Alex thrust the sword into her causing her to scream in agony but then as her body seemed limp she began to have a massive of energy surge through her and it happens)

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Analyze (power level: 19,975,896,996)

Alex: uh.....what the.....

Mia: wow it actually worked I can feel all my strength returning to me again but it's not easy to maintain so

Mia: wow it actually worked I can feel all my strength returning to me again but it's not easy to maintain so

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Analyze: power level (6,799,999,996)

Alex: (her power has shot even in her normal form that insane) ( analyze: she has a lot power I can't imagine how stronger her mentor is) (yeah)

Mia: hey Anna you saw that right it worked

Anna: yeah it was lucky for you it did. So now Alex I want you to do that to me as well

Alex:...uh okay


Alex: what are we doing here?

Anna:....we are looking for drax

Mia: yup we are gonna take him down now that we are stronger

Anna: this our chance too since he thinks we aren't a threat

Alex: but shouldn't we have told the others?

Mia: nah we got this plus they are probably training up we wouldn't wanna disturb them

Rias: well I grateful for your consideration but I think my team would be alright

Mia: how? But you.....we were.....

Anna: I expect nothing less from sirzech little sister

Rias: so you were gonna drag Alex along on a dangerous task that you can promise won't go wrong

Mia: uh....why is the Alex part the thing that upsets you?

Rias:(blushing).....ummmm....I....wasn't...upset I just wanted to make sure we could get my piece back when it's over

Mia: uh I thought he wasn't your rook anymore

Rias: for the time being of course but Alex is gonna return once the threat is gone

Mia: shouldn't be for Alex to decide

Rias: (blushing) right so let's get back to looking for drax


Drax: it would seem you have returned to fight again

Mia: yeah and things are gonna be different this time

Drax: your angel friend said the same thing before i killed a little while ago


Mia: you bastard!

Drax: I don't have time to fight you now perhaps later I have more important matters to attend to weaklings

Mia: hey do you get try to away !

( but it was to late drax had already left )

Alex:....ray...I didn't know you for long but you were still a teammate I'll get him for this

Anna:.....another one lost.......

Mia: we'll find that bastard just wait

(At gremory territory )

Sirzech: I see so he killed....they seem to be stronger than we could have expected we should start taking them out and drax should be the first one

Alex: I'm ready to go right not

Azazel: actually you won't be going and neither will rias and her peerage that past six months has have led to a lot of growth but not enough the enemy is stronger that and Alex as you are now you can't even defeat one of the knights of black or remaining warrior women so I had a friend set up to train you for a few days while we gather intell so we can attack if you show me the results needed I'll let you join them for the mission and the same goes for rias and company

Everyone: we'll do it!

(Training ground )

Alex: hello! Anyone here? I know he said the guy training me is here but I don't see anyone

???: just cause you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not here ooou! Ooou!

Alex: and who are you exactly?

???: me? I am the descendent of son wu Kong

Alex:......uh never heard of him

???: ooou! Never heard of him? Hmmm alright what let's begin

???: ooou! Never heard of him? Hmmm alright what let's begin

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???: call me monkey

Alex: alright monkey let's.......

Analyze: power level- (200,997,000,000,000)

Alex: ridiculous it's not even close to mine

Monkey: hmm don't worry my training will be more terrifying then my power so let's begin

( the training is under way but only time will tell if it will be enough as the dark shadow slowly and steadily grows over Alex and his friends )

Student of Meliodas x high school dxdWhere stories live. Discover now