Final days: day 2

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Morgan: darkness: over shadow

( in the moment rei loses control of his own body as it is being overtaken by Morgan's darkness)

Rei: no way I'll

( rei is able to break free but is the attacked by Morgan with each slash of her sword being more painful then the last)

Rei: F.....FULL COUNTER!!!!!!

Morgan: uuuuhhhhh.....(smiles)......not bad but not good either

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Rei: full counter

( as Morgan continues to attack Alex continues to counter but with each full counter Morgan grew stronger)

Rei: ( even though I'm turning her attack against her she's unfazed by it and what's more her attacks just keep......) ........uhhhh

Morgan: figured it out huh? But it's too late


Rei: aaaaaaajhhhhhhhh

Rias: I'm confused here what's happening?

Alex: Morgan is using her magical power SELF DESTRUCTION

(Analyze: SELF DESTRUCTION is a magical power the requires Morgan to allow her self to be continuously attacked and harmed which in turn boost her power the more lethal the attack the greater the boost, there is three weaknesses of course. The first being if she faces an opponent strong enough to beat her completely in a single attack the ability is useless, the second one being it can't defend against abilities that drain its users power ( ex. Snatch) but if the abilities causes her harm while doing so or the user is attacking and draining the she will grow stronger from that. The third is unknown as only Morgan knows about) is he supposed to beat her then?

Kiba: well he has a way to do it if he thinks about

Alex: oh! I almost forgot about that

Rei; desperate time calls for desperate measures

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Rei; desperate time calls for desperate measures. Time to tear her apart!

Rias: I'm at a loss how is the armor gonna help?

Alex: that armor is  harmful to demons Because the dragon that powers it also a demon eater dragon

Rias: uhh......eater!?

Alex: yeah which means her abilities may boost her power but rei attacks will inflict lethal harm with each slash but that won't solve the other issue

Morgan: (  he's strong enough to hold his own against me despite the power difference and with that armor he can actually harm me) looks like I have to use it after all. DARKNESS: SHATTERING SHADOWS!

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