Anna and mia

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( five years)

Mia: hmmm I'm hungry

Anna: then go eat something

Mia: I to tired to get up

Anna: then go starve

Mia: feed me

Anna: no your not a child

Mia: But I'm huuunnngggrrryyyy!

Anna. Huh.....fine what do you want ?

Mia: pizza

Anna: okay (I should have already guessed that would be her answer it's always her answer)

Mia: and I want a burger too with fries

Anna: that's gonna make you sick

Mia: no it won't I'm not a kid anymore

Anna: oh really then prove it

Mia: alright I will but how

Anna: go outside and get pizza and bring back fries if you can get that task then you must be an adult unless you can't handle it

Mia: I'll show just watch me

(Mia leave the house to get food)

Anna: sometimes I feel bad exploiting her low intelligence (smile)


Mia: I'll show her I'm gonna go get all the foo.....hey wait a minute I should twice the food to show her how wrong she is

(That day Mia only returned home with twice the amount of pizza she was supposed to buy but forgot the fries so she lost the wager and Anna laughed internally)

Student of Meliodas x high school dxdWhere stories live. Discover now