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( as she marched through everyone followed behind by her team and a fallen angel who is trying to reason with her)

Azazel: listen it was his choice we should respect that and support him

Rias: like hell it was you separated him from me just for this you had eyes on him since his fight with riser

Sirzech: yes I did and I did want on the team but wouldn't force him to join if he didn't want to and I even told him he could quit at any time and I'd accept it and back him

Rias: oh that's good just tell me where he is and he'll send his resignation to you now

Sirzech: it's his choice not yours rias

Rias: he's my rook meaning i......

Sirzech: meaning you are in charge of him but as of now he is no longer your rook remember?
I made him a free piece

Issei: seriously!? He's not one of us?



Sirzech: I know you all care about him but he wants to do this and I will support him and I won't let force or guilt him out of it

Rias: (tears in her eyes) fine but if something happens to him it's on you all of it

Sirzech: alright I'll accept that blame

( rias then walks out followed by the others)

Azazel: are you sure you shouldn't have told them?

Sirzech: I'll let them process this first and notify them later about it

Azazel: alright it's your call

( elsewhere)

Alex: huh? We're gonna be working with rias team on the next mission?

Mia: yup that's what we were told. Why ? That's not a problem is it?

Anna: he's uneasy cause he hasn't seen them in so long and he didn't tell them he joined so seeing now is know

Alex: yeah what she said(how did she? Huh let me not bother)

Anna: your easy to read that's how

Alex: ....huh?

Everyone: (laughing)

( the next day the two teams meet up and things couldn't have been more tense as rias did speak to Alex for the entire time while others were excited to see him )

Akeno: don't she will get over it and be back to scolding you

Alex: yeah I know

Mia: hey let's have a little fun since we have a mission tomorrow

Akeno: what kind of fun?

Ray: a challenge of sorts your red dragon emperor and our Alex

Rias: (their Alex he is our Alex ) alright your on but don't blame us if you lose

Mia: you read Alex?

Alex: yeah

Issei: sweet it's been a while so I'm gonna be serious about this one

Issei: sweet it's been a while so I'm gonna be serious about this one

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