Home ( my original ending for this story )

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Anna:....I see so you went in here huh?

( as Anna entered the old abandoned building as she walked a around she heard her target growl and then he lunged at her but she easily evaded him and fired two shot into it)

( as Anna entered the old abandoned building as she walked a around she heard her target growl and then he lunged at her but she easily evaded him and fired two shot into it)

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Power level: 30,600

Demon: ahhhhh! You....bastard

Anna: you and your kind have been killing a lot human recently so of course eventually you would be targeted

Demon: (roar! ) your dea......

Bang!  Bang!  Bang!

( with that it's drops dead instantly)

Anna:.......how unlikely to find these guys fighting and hunting alone with such weak power Level

( as she talks she finds the remaining demons appearing and smile comes on her face )

Anna: ah there you all are right on que

Bang! Bang! Bang!

( later )

Mia: what's taking her so long ?

Alex: she's probably wrapping up now so be patient Mia

Mia: since when were you mr patient

Alex: since I grew up maybe you should try it some time

Mia: hmmm shut up I'm plenty grown up

Anna: huh you two are always butting heads these days

Mia: finally your back, how did the job go?

Anna: good there were more then expected though but I took care of it

Alex: cool now we can get going

Mia: where are we headed to?

Alex: we going to a facility that sirzech said has a portal to get us to our worlds

Anna: hmm so we can finally head home?

Alex: yeah that's what it looks like but no promises

Mia: yeeeaaahhh!!!! We finally get to go home

Student of Meliodas x high school dxdWhere stories live. Discover now