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Alex: huh....huh....huh man this training was intense I just hope it paid off enough

Monkey: hmm well you are definitely stronger than when we started but your not tapping into your true potential I can feel a power deep within you one that if it emerges it will make all the difference in this war

Alex: but how do I tap into it

Monkey: I have a method but we will need time so after the enemy is defeated I'll ask sirzech to train you so we can unlock that power

Alex: thanks and don't take this the wrong way but why do you wanna do that?

Monkey: uh I'm related to son wu Kong I love fighting especially against the strongest of opponents

Alex: well that explains it

(Gremory territory)

Azazel: alright I've picked so tough opponents for that will show the results of your training and Alex your going first

Alex: alright so where is my opponent?

Alex: alright so where is my opponent?

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Power level: 2,289,678,895

Demon: right here worm

( to Alex's surprise his opponent was no joke he was quite powerful )

(10 minutes later)

Azazel: alright match over (man he obliterated him in no time flat but I expected this)

Sirzech: well I'm not surprised by the outcome but I thought he'd last longer

Rias:....he beat a much strong opponent after just a couple of days to train but I expect nothing less from my rival

Issei: hmm that more like it looks like Alex's put those couple of days to good use

Demon: .........

Alex: that was a good fight if you faced me a few days ago I would have lost to you no question

( with that Alex was permitted to join the unit in there mission as was rias and company )

( later that night)

Anna: hey Alex

Alex: oh Anna it's been awhile

Anna: yeah it has and I heard you passed the test so we'll be working together again

Alex: yup and I'm ready to go take these guys down

Mia: that's good cause tomorrow we are gonna have to face them

Anna:.....why so soon?

Mia: the situation has gotten bad currently the knights of black and warrior women have begun to fight all out and many of our troops have been killed the conflict it has to end here and also our sources have reported back that the knights of black have perfected a weapon that can open a portal to other worlds and are planning to bring help if that happens we are gonna in for a lot of trouble

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