akeno part1

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Knock!  knock! Knock!

Alex: I'm coming!

( alexed open the door to find none other akeno)

Alex: uhhhh hey akeno

Akeno: hi, I hope not bothering you with this vist

Alex: nah your fine especially since the weekend so I don't have any plans

Akeno: perfect! I have request to make of you alex

Alex: ( shit! I should have left that last part shit! Shit! Shit! ) what kind of request?

Akeno: I want you to track down someone for me

Alex: ( track down? Why would she of all people....)

( alex was pulled from his thoughts by akeno's embrace but alex could feel it was not one of joy but desperation and sadness)

Alex: akeno......

Akeno: your the only one who I can ask since your not from our world so no one will suspect you and your strong enough to face any danger that may come......so.....PLEASE ALEX FIND MY FATHER FOR ME!

Alex: father!? ( rias mentioned this to me about akeno's past but I thought....) if you don't mind me asking why the concern for him?

( that question changed akeno's demeanor again this this cold a d somewhat malicious as she stepped back from alex)

Akeno: so...so.....SO I CAN KILL HIM MYSELF!

Alex: what!?.........

( the room became silent as akeno and a Alex said nothing)

Akeno: Haha I may have over did it a little sorry just forget I asked this okay see you later.......

( as akeno made her way to the door she was stop by Alex's response)

Alex: I'll find him, your father I'll find him what you do with the knowledge is up to you but I'll find him akeno

Akeno:.....thank you.......

( with that akeno left and alex began his search for her father)

( 3 months later)

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Alex: who is it?

Akeno: akeno

( as Alex opened the door he was shocked to akeno dressed up for what seemed like a date)

Akeno: sorry to come by unexpected but I wanted to get an update on...him

Alex: oh yeah I was meaning to call i got some info on him actually so come info

( Alex then goes on to explain everything to akeno)

Akeno: I see so after the battle with the knights of black he secluded himself to recover from injuries

Alex: yeah but from what I heard he is gonna be at a big meeting of the three factions so you'll be able to see him there

Akeno: thank you Alex you helped me so much......

Alex: tell something akeno, why do you hate your father

Akeno: because he should have protected her......(crying) I should have protected her......so if I don't hate him....I'll hate myself........

Alex: .......hmm.....

(Akeno unexpectedly hugged alex to his surprise holding him tightly)

Alex: ( she is truly hurt by her past but in order for her to grow she has to face it)

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