Final days: day 3

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( mean while)

Anna: alright this is the room

Rei: the room for what ? You still haven't told me what We're supposed to retrieve

Mia: not what, who

???: so they sent you guys huh

Anna: yeah they sent us.....vali

Vali: well whatever the case we should get out of here now

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Vali: well whatever the case we should get out of here now

Rei: why the rush?

Vali: that man the one in charge is monster if I being honest

Rei:.......damn tell us something we don't know

Morgan: did he take your sacred gear vali?

Vali: no he took a piece of it from our fight and he was studying it

Anna: that's not good who knows what he can do with that information

Rei: guys I can sense a crazy battle going on and one of the people fighting is issei

Anna: is he okay?

Rei: no he's in trouble and so are the others we have go help them

Vali: good I need a good fight right now

( back at Alex)

Alex: damn I'm lost it's like a maze in hear

Azazel: Alex can you hear me ?

Alex: azazel? Are you in my head?

Azazel: I asked a favor of someone so I could communicate with you but that's not important right I have something I need you to do

Alex: what is it

Azazel: do you sense any abnormal power in the building right now?

Alex: yeah since I got here why?

Azazel: I figured as much, I need to locate and destroy the source of it

Alex:....uh okay but it's not gonna be easy and others need me

Azazel: I know but this is important if we don't destroy that power source None of you will make it out

Alex: alright I'm going now

( just as he said Alex rushed you the source using only his senses to guide and a little luck)

Alex: I found it

Azazel : and I've found you Alex

Alex: azazel?

???: try again

Alex: you? But.....damn it

???: and now

( pulling out a strange orb the mysterious man drain Alex's power into it)

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