The man

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???: it would seem that the situation has changed in the best way possible

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???: it would seem that the situation has changed in the best way possible.....soon.....very soon.....I will have the power to him pay for what he did to me

( the mysterious Zane enters the room) wanted to speak to me

???: yes I wanted to tell that I was able to gather a fragment of white vanishing dragon and will be upgrading your sacred gear soon and also to introduce your new partner


???: come in bail

Bail: yo! So your my partner?

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Bail: yo! So your my partner?


???: he doesn't talk much but you'll work together fine

Bail: uhhh sure so what's our mission?

???: you are to retrieve the one called rei for me I need his power


( as Zane leaves his new partner bail lets out a sigh and then follows after him)

???: it's been so time since that humiliating defeat ......but your fatal mistake will be what ends you because I survived and have gathered up powerful artificial sacred gear to my cause of crush you

???: hmmm still nursing your grudge

???: your one to talk aren't you also nursing a grudge and from what I saw Alex is a lot stronger then he was back then

???: Alex? Raaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Drax: actually unlike you I have dedicated my free to training to crush the one who humiliated me instead simply boosting my strength with those artificial sacred gears

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Drax: actually unlike you I have dedicated my free to training to crush the one who humiliated me instead simply boosting my strength with those artificial sacred gears

???:.....well whatever it doesn't matter what you think cause I'll be the one to defeat them in the end

Drax: we'll see about that. Oh! I forgot to report that a man has appeared seeking to kill you for turning his brother into an artificial sacred gear

??? do you forget something like that?


???: hhhhhhhuuuuuufffffff! Bring him to me then

???: hhhhhhhuuuuuufffffff! Bring him to me then

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Power level: 260,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

???: no need dog I'm hear and I will end you

???: skull please I don't want to resort to violence why not join me instead

???: that's lord skull to you

???: why don't we form an alliance

Slash!   slash!

Skull: hmmm fool let his gaur...........ahhhhhh!

( as skull began to feel satisfaction in his attack he is shocked to find a hole in his chest)

???: my oh my how careless of you but I'll you once again why not form an alliance with me

Skull: never you..........

( in an instant lord skull was sucked in an orb )

???: well you'll make a fine artificial sacred gear then

Drax: pathetic

???: not at all he was strong it's unfortunate he didn't join us actually

Drax: hmmm I'll be leaving

???: oh and where are you off to?

Drax: I'm going to go fight alex

???: already? Hmmm well I'm sure it won't be problem for you

Drax:.......soon very soon I'll settle the score

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