meliodas: training day

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( in was and beautiful in the kingdom of Britainia)

Meliodas: wake up alex it's time for your training kid

( alex still tired and unwilling)

Alex: yaaaaaawwwwnn!.....huh? Oh I'll do it tomorrow

Meliodas: ......Silvia

Silvia: yeah?

Meliodas: use it now please

Silvia: hehehe alright

( with a snap ice came raining down on alex causing to jump out of his bed)

Alex: ahhhhh! What was that for?

Meliodas: so you'd wake up and stop being lazy now come on today I'm gonna teach you a special ability

Silvia: really? Is it what I think it is?

Meliodas: yup, my full counter and it's gonna be tough so let's get ready.......


Silvia: can I use the other one now?

Meliodas: yup

( just then Silvia got a mischievous smile on her face as she prepared another spell)

Silvia: chaotic thunder clap!


( and so began there long and in Alex's case painful process to learn the full counter)

Student of Meliodas x high school dxdWhere stories live. Discover now