Chapter 13: No Initiation

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Mosspaw's POV:

"C'mon, Mosspaw! Eat these," Dawn tried to make me eat a few leaves laid on her paws.

"No way, they taste bitter." I wrinkled my nose.

"Herbs taste bitter because it keeps animals like rabbits from eating them. Please," She begged.

"Fine," I kept my nose wrinkled as I licked up the leaves from her paws.

"I wonder where's Grayheart, he hasn't came back to camp for days." Dawn tilted her head.

"Do you think he went back to ThunderClan?" I know that will be silly though, he would never leave me for his clan!

"I doubt it." The gold and white she-cat's whiskers twitched.

"So do I," Grayheart's loss made my heart sink. Is he okay? Will he be fine? Is he... I couldn't bring myself to even think about that thought.

"Everycat!" We heard Blazewhisker, the rogues' leader, yowl from across the camp. "Other cats are coming! So prepare to hide the weak and be prepared to fight if we have to. I don't want to see any cats taking risks." He is a good leader!

"Okay, but have any clue of which cats are coming?" Fern asked the leader.

"No idea. All I know is that they are definately cats from around the lake," The orange and white tom informed her.

Then a patrol of cats padded into the camp. ThunderClan! The brown tabby tom was leading it.

"Greetings, Brambleclaw. How's ThunderClan?" Blazewhisker asked the clan deputy. 

"ThunderClan's doing fine. But not so much now that you've stolen our clanmates!" Brambleclaw sounded irate. 

Gasps surrounded camp. The Blazewhisker spoke, "We didn't steal them! Grayheart brought them here because his daughter was injured and was scratched by dogs!"

"Enough yapping! Give our clanmates back!" Lionblaze mewed from behind Brambleclaw protectively as he flexed his claws.

Oh no! ThunderClan's brought its strongest warriors for rescue! Well, I hope this doesn't end in battle. ThunderClan may have brains smarter than the other clans, but that doesn't mean they won't break into war.

"Hang on, Lionblaze." Brambleclaw ordered the golden warrior before turning back to Blazewhisker. "Did you say that his daughter got attacked by dogs? Then why didn't he come back to us?"

"It was too far. Mosspaw was seriously injured. She could die if they tried going back. So they had to come here," Blazewhisker informed him.

"You sure? First, we need Grayheart to speak for himself. Where is he?" Brambleclaw challenged.

Then the rogues spaced themselves out, while half of them exchanged glances. The ThunderClan cats figured what we meant in an instant. "What have you done with Grayheart?!" Thornclaw rapidly asked the rogues.

"Why would I do something? I'm his brother!" The rogues' leader pointed out.

"What about me?" The gray tom dug his head through the bushes and stared wide-eyed at his clanmates.

"Grayheart!" The rogues sounded surprised. 

Then the ThunderClan cats watched as Blazewhisker padded up to him. "What happened? Why were you gone all those days? And why is your leg wounded? Did somecat attack you?"

"No, no one did. I almost fell in a fox den and a bramble scratched through it. But before I fell in completely, I was saved by an unexpected appearance." My father told him.

"By who?" Blazewhisker tilted his head.

Then Grayheart stepped aside to reveal who sat behind him. A small white and light orange tom with shining green eyes. I had never seen him before. But the ThunderClan cats stared as if they can't believe their eyes. Blazewhisker sat still as stone but on twitched his tail a bit. Blazewhisker looks a lot like the tom, though. They might have a relation.

"Father?" Blazewhisker asked. "Liontail... Is... That... You?"

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