Chapter 26: It's All Over

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Grayheart's POV:

I was already panting from the battle. But our enemies don't seem to have given up. There's too many of them! I thought. Even with WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and the rogues' help, we're outnumbered. Even with Jayfeather and Icefur's help, we don't seem to be very victorious.

I saw a few cats dead but I couldn't tell who they were. I then scanned the clearing for Blazewhisker. He's nowhere in sight. Then I felt a rough scratch on my shoulder. I turned around and met face to face with one of our enemies. A white spotted black tom. His yellow eyes shining with battle.

I crouched in the fighting stance. Then he tilted his head. Why is he so confused? Hang on, I don't think they learn our moves back in their old camp! They go by their own rules. All they can actually do is claw their opponent! Ha, a very messy group you are in.

Let him be confused as I fight him! Maybe how big you are doesn't effect whether you win or not, I viewed. So I leaped, clawed him on the back, and landed. He looked surprised as if they thought we were weaklings at first. I then got on my back and used my hind legs to kick him, which drove him off.

In the corner of my eye, Firestar was fighting Red. I turned around to see what was going on. Too late, Red slashed Firestar's underbelly. Which caused Firestar to lay limp on the ground and Red seemed to put on a victorious look on his face.

No! not our leader! Then Firestar stayed limp for a few heartbeats, and risen again. Oh phew, he only lost a life. Then I immediately remembered how Blazewhisker doesn't believe in StarClan. But he's not here now, but he was! Firestar then leaped and scratched Red in the underbelly and kicked him. Smart. If we're going to beat these cats, why not do double of what they did?

Red gasped. He then fell over and mewed from the pain. He finally lie limp, his cold body resting on the soft grass. Firestar had killed him! Then as soon as the rest of our enemies found out their leader is dead, they all flattened their ears, gave soft surrendering mews, and ran as fast as they could. Is that what they were scared of... no leadership?

I finally could see who died during the battle. Ferncloud, Rainstorm of RiverClan, Whitetail of WindClan, Brackenfur... The battle... It's all over. 

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