Chapter 15: Evil

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Mosspaw's POV:

"Pepperpaw?" Okay, I know I hate him because of how boasty he gets, but Grayheart said we needed to train today. It's only going to be me and Pepperpaw, because Grayheart says it gives us the best experience when it's just the two of us.

The black tome with white paws turned to me. "What is it, Mosspaw?"

"Grayheart wants us to practice fighting without supervision today!" I mewed enthusiastically.

"Great," Then he stared at me with shimmering, yellow eyes. "Be there."


When I finally got to the training hollow, I saw Pepperpaw already there staring at me. He has a nice smile on his face. He never smiled to me before. It felt warm inside. Then I pad over to him. "So... What move are we going to be practicing today?"

"How 'bout that move I've been learning recently? It doesn't hurt to get ahead," The tom answered.

"Okay," Then we got in fighting stance. 

I mastered the move quickly. The last time, Pepperpaw leaped, paw aiming at my underbelly. I quickly turned over and slid out, allowing him to fall head first on the grass. Then I leaped back but with higher accuracy. I pounced paws first on his underbelly.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." The black apprentice with white paws let go. "I have something I want to tell you," He sat so close to me that I felt his warm breath touch my fur.

"Me? Why me?" I asked with a surprised expression on my face.

"Because... I... Really care about you," He spoke softly.

That made my heart leap. Do I like him back? I mean, he used to be a pain in the tail and calling me pipsqueak. "Wha--" I could barely speak! "What is it?" 

"I... I am working for... The Dark Forest... In their plot..." He 'innocently mewed.

I gasped. "Wha--?!"

"Shh... Will you join me? I'm looking forward to you being there," 

That spaced me out as I blushed suddenly. The Dark Forest? I don't really know what that is since I never heard of it much. But I heard of few words about it among some of the other senior warriors. It can't be that bad! "Umm... Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Then I nuzzled him deeply. 

"Thank you," At his mew I felt a warn feeling beneath my pelt.

Was it the right decision? I mean... It should be! It's probably my dream to go anywhere with Pepperpaw! Even if it's the unknown Dark Forest!

Warrior cats: Journey to the Mountains/ Tribe Warrior's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now